Recent content by GeneZ

  1. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    My father was one of the founders of the local synagogue I grew up in.
  2. GeneZ

     Are we saved by our own efforts or are we saved by God's efforts ?

    Jesus said those words in reference to the Jews who were trying to achieve their salvation by means of following a works system., Up until then they had been doing works invented by the Pharisees. Jesus was setting the record straight by telling His disciples the true means to gaining...
  3. GeneZ

     Are we saved by our own efforts or are we saved by God's efforts ?

    Why do we keep getting these questions? Its because of the strained logic of Calvinism.
  4. GeneZ

     2 Timothy 3:16 Translation

    God breathed,,,,, We inhale the Word. We exhale upon application....
  5. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    You keep quoting Jewish renditions of the Bible. Stop trying to sound like one then. I am Jewish from birth. Rossh? Is that your real name? Sounds Jewish... What is the Translation Rosh (רֹאשׁ) from Hebrew to English? Maybe you just did not know? :rolleyes:;)
  6. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    Looks like he took it from the CJB version... The Complete Jewish Bible Its a legitimate version, and I have benefited from reading through it. It uses language closer to the Jewish way and feel for speaking. And, you better be careful. You would be surprised how "Jewish" Jesus...
  7. GeneZ

     Why Zionism is necessary and moral

    The "ultimate Solution" we were given was only one reason by the Nazis.. To keep the Master race pure. The irony is... In the days of Israel when it was the faithful to God? Those Jews were (in comparison to the primitive-pagan- gentiles) the master race. But, only when the Jews were faithful...
  8. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    Enjoy your pet doctrine..... And. Your pseudo Jewish mindset.
  9. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    My dad was a first generation Jewish immigrant from Europe. His neighborhood while he was growing up spoke Yiddish. His best friend would call him Ya’akov. My dad's name? Jack. How did anyone can get James from Ya'akov I have no idea. Here is some info.... Why is Jacob (Jack)...
  10. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    I see you have strong ties to Jewish cultural thinking and bias.... But for 99% of the people out there? The name "Jesus" connects perfectly with what God intends for man to know.
  11. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    People having died *twice.* For the unbeliever will face the Lord in a human body! That is the second resurrection. We are to be in the first resurrection. What is the first resurrection? What is the second resurrection? grace and peace ..............
  12. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    How would we say "YHVH" in English? And, know what we are talking about? "Father" would suffice for the church age believer. When studying foreign languages they always ended up changing my name to something fitting with their language. Not using my name as I know it. Satan wants to...
  13. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    What are you really saying? That there will be no Lake of Fire? That to think there will be, is to say God is a sadist?
  14. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    Other than the name, "Father." What name are we being denied?
  15. GeneZ

     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    I bet you most believers today would never have seen where the name would have been they way most study these days. Its just something to set up a wall over and to have an excuse to start throwing stones... Knowing just the name Jesus is all God requires. Salvation is found in no one else...