Tetsugaku's latest activity

  • Tetsugaku
    Okay, so you believe in causation from outside of time into it, without the cause having to precede its effect. I don't.
  • Tetsugaku
    You said the one comes before the other. Okay. What is the difference?
  • Tetsugaku
    You can't have an act of creating time preceding that which it creates though. So you're back to square one, needing to explain how you...
  • Tetsugaku
    The gunfire precedes anything it causes. The runners can't be caused to start running until after the gun has fired and the sound has...
  • Tetsugaku
    My point doesn't even concern God. It's about the contradiction involved in saying two timelines are unrelated while also saying they...
  • Tetsugaku
    It directly addresses that. I'm saying you have related them by placing them in relations of 'before' and 'after'. What do you mean by...
  • Tetsugaku
    Sure, but we've been discussing whether or not causes must precede their effects in time, with you saying God (the cause) causes time...
  • Tetsugaku
    Sorry, that's still contradictory. If one bit of time occurs before another bit of time, then that makes both part of the same timeline...
  • Tetsugaku
    Tetsugaku replied to the thread  A learning exercise.
    Torin's post answers exactly what you asked, which was a question about what atheists think. It was not a question about what we could...
  • Tetsugaku
    A gun firer is temporally related to what comes after. He is not outside of time altogether, and is merely in more time that precedes...
  • Tetsugaku
    Tetsugaku replied to the thread  A learning exercise.
    You didn't answer the question. Remember: "...in order to actually have genuinely interesting discussion.... questions must be...
  • Tetsugaku
    How so? How are you defining a time-frame? The gun firer isn't outside of time, and is temporally related to everything that comes...
  • Tetsugaku
    Tetsugaku replied to the thread  A learning exercise.
    Yes it is. Yes it is. That's not what you asked. No more than you. I think everyone is entitled to fair and reasonable treatment...
  • Tetsugaku
    Tetsugaku replied to the thread  A learning exercise.
    If you die and are faced with Allah or Vishnu about to punish you eternally for sincerely believing in the wrong God, do you think that...
  • Tetsugaku
    Tetsugaku replied to the thread  A learning exercise.
    A question that has now been answered. My answer would be exactly the same as Torin's. And yet that is how your question is phrased. It...