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  1. S

     Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Paul's Message and Mission

    Cool book on re-understanding Romans. Was free on Audible, I don't know if it is anymore. Author was an underground missionary in China for 20 years and went by the moniker Jackson Wu when he wrote the book, but is Brad...
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     Christ our Substitute - How?

    One of the theories bandied about is that Christ is our substitute, in a nutshell the belief is stated as: "Penal Substitutionary Atonement is the view that Christ was a legal substitute for us on the cross and that he bore the penalty for our sins that is due to us." link First, we should...
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     Looking for Jewish understanding of Samson

    Can some impose on some of the Jewish members here forward me links or book titles to some Jewish perspectives on Samon?
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     Rethinking the doctrine of "hell"

    Why to reject the doctrine of "Hell". The stuff below is mine, but for more information, see the website: edit link violation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is difficult prove something doesn't exist when somebody imagines it is true...
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     Dr. Steven Nemes Twitter Thread on the Doctrine of the Trinity

    An interesting string of thought as it regards the trinity and the problems associated with the doctrine. A copy of the tweet thread is below: The doctrine of the Trinity is understood to assert that God is one ousia subsisting in three hypostaseis. But what does this mean? 1. A hypostasis...
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     Another 10k character limit related request

    (this is more of a board request rather than a "how do I") I understand the reason for the 10k limit, and this isn't a complaint about the limit. I even know how to work around the 10k limit so it isn't a crippling issue. However, if I run into the issue, it would be helpful if I knew up...
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     Living On The Edge: Challenges To Faith

    A 485 page work on Christian apologetics (Note: Written from a Christadelphian perspective) covering a wide range of subjects, including New Atheism, archaeology, theology, and the validity of faith. (Note that most of the 485 pages are footnotes) By Jonathan Burke. I think you can get a PDF...
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     The Lost World of Genesis 1

    Interesting read. Approaches Genesis 1 from the "materialistic" understanding of Genesis 1, but rather a "functional" understanding of Genesis 1 as somebody in the Ancient Near East would have understood it. Approaching the bible as something written for us, but not to us. Also free in...