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  1. Ontos

    Greg Boyd's Warfare Worldview

    Its not ego, it's that God is simply the greatest good, indeed; goodness itself. A creature's goodness is only in relation to the greatest good, to God. So a creature "worshipping" God brings him closer to God which is to the good of the creature. God qua greatest good does not gain in...
  2. Ontos

     Argument 18: God Does Not Exist And Logic Proves It

    They are dependent. Laws are propositions, they are statements - statements are about something which demonstrates intentionality - only an intellect can produce or ground such intentionality, such aboutness. Laws may be "impossible" to be otherwise, but that doesn't mean they possess their...
  3. Ontos

     Argument 18: God Does Not Exist And Logic Proves It

    "The laws of logic are "dependent" on God insofar as God grounds all existing things..." Did you stop reading here, because the very next part I affirm their necessity "but the laws of logic are necessary insofar as they are a reflection of the Divine Intellect." Laws only exist in an...
  4. Ontos

     Argument 18: God Does Not Exist And Logic Proves It

    This is false The laws of logic are "dependent" on God insofar as God grounds all existing things, but the laws of logic are necessary insofar as they are a reflection of the Divine Intellect.
  5. Ontos

     Experts publish a new ranking of the US Presidents

    Biden at 14?! These "experts" are more inept than Biden, and Biden is beyond inept.
  6. Ontos

     How can there be a loving God?

    The particular not-goods of creation are to the good of the whole of creation.
  7. Ontos

     Argument 16 Freewill Contradicts Heaven/Hell

    I don't think you can escape the "technical" aspects of it. I have many articles on Free Will They are of the Scholastic tradition based on Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas...
  8. Ontos

     Some reasons for God's Hiddeness

    I found the article being referenced.... Coercion and the Hiddenness of God by Michael Murray
  9. Ontos

     Some reasons for God's Hiddeness

    At face value I don't think this follows... Did not Adam have "undeniable" knowledge of God's existence, yet he still exercised his moral freedom. The angels too - they certainly knew of God and yet 1/3 exercised their moral freedom and fell from heaven. IMO the so called problem of Divine...
  10. Ontos

     Does Objective Morality Necessarily Imply A God?

    Just because something has "always been", that doesn't necessitate that it exists in and of itself. 1+1=2 has certainly "always been", but it's very being is limited - it literally begins and ends and what it's about begins and ends, it's finite and finite things have finite existence - it does...
  11. Ontos

     Does Objective Morality Necessarily Imply A God?

    No, God did not "decide" geometry per se, but the Divine Intellect grounds all exemplar forms all concepts since (arguably) concepts only exist in an intellect. It's finite in that it's limited in what it is (a particular proposition) and what it's about (a particular number)
  12. Ontos

     Does Objective Morality Necessarily Imply A God?

    I did just that: "Any particular truth is going to be finite by it's very nature and finite things have finite existence - so while the particular truth 1+1=2" 1+1=2 is a particular truth Particular truths are finite Finite things have finite existence 1+1=2 cannot exist "in and of itself"...
  13. Ontos

     Does Objective Morality Necessarily Imply A God?

    Just because something cannot be "other than it is", that doesn't necessitate that it exists in and of itself. Any particular truth is going to be finite by it's very nature and finite things have finite existence - so while the particular truth 1+1=2 can be said to be "necessary" because it...
  14. Ontos

     Does Objective Morality Necessarily Imply A God?

    So you affirm that an abstract concept exists apart from any mind existing and apart from the universe existing?
  15. Ontos

     Does Objective Morality Necessarily Imply A God?

    If the universe did not exist, the truth of Pi would still exist, correct?
  16. Ontos

     Does Objective Morality Necessarily Imply A God?

    Concepts only exist in an intellect, so if you're going to posit a concept that "just is", then it follows that there is a intellect that just is, but that just brings back to God and the Divine Intellect.
  17. Ontos

     Argument 16 Freewill Contradicts Heaven/Hell

    Why would I answer it under your presupposition of what free will is? You're whole paragraph conflates the process of making a choice with the power to choose. The process of choosing may come in degrees, but not the power itself. Free will is a power to choose, and that is it.
  18. Ontos

     Argument 16 Freewill Contradicts Heaven/Hell

    There is no difference "in your ability to freely choose", because free will is just that - the ability to choose, and that's it. Free will is not about the quantity of choices, or the quality of choices, or the consequence of choices, or the accomplishment of those choices, or anything else...
  19. Ontos

     Argument 16 Freewill Contradicts Heaven/Hell

    In all scenarios you have the same free will - there is no "amount", free will is not quantitative - it is a power you have or do not have.
  20. Ontos

     Argument 16 Freewill Contradicts Heaven/Hell

    Free will is not something that comes in degrees - there is no "maximum" or "minimum" You either have free will or you do not, there's nothing in between.