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  1. H

     Is Christianity Too Hard For You?

    For anyone that has quit Christianity, believing it is too hard, feel free to share. I have come across former believers saying that. One of them cite keeping the commitment to Christ was too hard. He even went on to say that little children should not make a commitment, because ever since he...
  2. H

     The Early Years of the Tongues Movement

    You can read this book online here; The Early Years of the Tongues Movement It is because they are not discerning the hype generated from these movements to sell the apostasy of believing the lie that they can receive the Holy Spirit again apart from salvation, to that which exposes it as not...
  3. H

     Prove the Practice of Worshiping the Holy Spirit with the Father & the Son

    I believe in the Triune God and that the Holy Spirit is One of the 3 Persons of this One God, BUT... although the Holy Spirit is God, there is no scripture teaching to worship the Holy Spirit with the Father & the Son. Some web sites has scriptural reference for that line in the 381 A.D, Nicene...