Search results

  1. Bonnie

     Question for Catholics and ex-Catholics....

    I am wondering what your priests preach about on Sundays, or whenever you go to church the most. What is the overall subject of the priest's homiletic message? What is the focus of the sermons? Former Catholics that are on here--do you remember what some of the focus of the priests' messages...
  2. Bonnie

     How do I upload a screenshot

    ...from my Galaxy S23 cellphone onto Facebook group? I have never done it before. I will try to Google it, and maybe find a video of it on YouTube. But can anyone yell me here, in easy terms, how to do it? People do it all the time.
  3. Bonnie

     Days of Darkness: One woman's escape from the conspiracy trap

    Associate Press published an article recently about a woman and her boyfriend who got caught up in conspiracy theories until they were enslaved by them. Eventually the woman found her way out and was freed from the irrational fear they had produced in her. Here is her story...
  4. Bonnie

     My fellow non RCCers, how about showing the Catholics on here some Marian prayers?

    I can start with this one from the "Mary Pages" website, which I cannot link to, as it is not an official RCC website: Not even prayed in Jesus' name! And here I thought we Christians are GOD's possession, HIS property and possession. Here are a few: Paul also wrote that we are NOT our...
  5. Bonnie

     This just about says it all, doesn't it?

    A blessed and sacred Christmas to all my friends on this board. He is come! Halleluiah!
  6. Bonnie

     Lutheran view of the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth from Rev. 20

    Hello all. I thought I would put down what a Lutheran commentary we have--the People's Commentary--says about the 1000 year reign of Jesus supposedly on earth. A Mormon on that board asked about this and was surprised that I don't believe in a literal 1000 year reign of Jesus on earth. And I...
  7. Bonnie

     New Issues, Etc. from winter 2023--about conspiracy theories and how they can become idols for some The first article is about conspiracy theories and why so many people believe in them, and how, when believing in them is carried to an extreme, they can become an idol. I am reading it now and it is great, and has things in it I never thought about...
  8. Bonnie

     Does any Christian on here care to address the misconceptions...

    that a Mormon wrote to me on another thread: "Paul taught baptism for the dead, that there are many gods and that there are different degrees of glory in the resurrection." Of course, we have dealt with these issues many times on here, on previous boards. But perhaps we should take a crack at...
  9. Bonnie

     10 lies a former Mormon told as a missionary for the LDS church...

    I ran across this while doing some research. This person was a missionary from 1975-1977, so they may be taught to say different things now. But I thought it was interesting. The first lie is a whopper. Of course the Missionaries are at the homeowner's door to convert him/her! They aren't there...
  10. Bonnie

     Question for all my Christian friends on here...

    A certain Mormon on here claimed a couple of weeks or so ago, that our churches don't teach the Old Testament, only thecNew Testament. I told him he was wrong, that my church most certainly does, even requiring our ministers to learn Biblical Hebrew in the original alphabet. Sometimes the sermon...
  11. Bonnie

     Question for Janice:

    Did you ever go through the temple endowment as a Mormon? If so, would you be willing to have me question you about it? If it makes you too uncomfortable, I will understand. I just wanted your impression on it.
  12. Bonnie


  13. Bonnie

     Our Lady of Fatima....was it really Mary, or a demon masquerading as Mary?

    I know the RCC investigated and decided it was Mary, but was it? I read up on it and had no problem knowing it was demonic in origin. I will put down stuff on this later, as I must get ready for an early doctor's appointment. But one thing puzzles me....have any non-Catholics ever seen...
  14. Bonnie

     Testing, to see if I can post something

    I have been trying to post something on the Mormon board for over 15 minutes and it won't let me, and it isn't very long, either. Here goes trying to do so here.
  15. Bonnie

     Ever hear of the Fourteen Holy Helpers?

    I just happened to see this under my Yahoo account. It is from MSN, so I don't know how accurate it is. But in order to read about this, click the arrow on the right side, in the picture, then read the caption underneath...
  16. Bonnie

     Disturbing ads from days gone by...

    ...that would never make it in today's world....shouldn't have made in in decades past, either! Sorry about all of the ads one must click off, but this link is interesting, in a disturbing sort of way...
  17. Bonnie

     Question: where are Indulgences taught in the Bible?

    I have listed many times on here Catholic teachings that I find unbiblical, including Indulgences, but have been told by Catholics that these teachings ARE biblical. I ask to be shown where, but no Catholic ever steps up to the plate to show us where. One said we wouldn't believe them if they...
  18. Bonnie

     My daughter made a chicken tortilla soup that is to DIE for!

    She made some from a youtube recipe video she watched on her Alexis thingee. It was outstanding. I also have a recipe for it, that I got in Texas many years ago, but this one is different and I like it better. Ingredients 2 tablespoons Olive Oil 1 Medium White Onion (diced) 1 Medium Red...
  19. Bonnie

     Question for Catholics about forgiveness of sins...

    In your church, are the only ways your members can receive forgiveness of sins is to confess them to a priest and receive absolution? Does the priest always require doing penance? And is the other way you receive forgiveness of sins is through the Lord's Supper? I am wondering if a person humbly...
  20. Bonnie

     HEPA filters rock!!!

    I suffer from all year round allergies to a couple of soil-borne fungi, which are endemic to Georgia where I live. I have had problems since 2013. I started out on Benadryl, which controls it, but I have to take it so much, since it only lasts 4-6 hours, tops. Anyway, a pharmacist put me on to...