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  1. SteveB

    Hardwired to believe in God’s existence?

    I'm thinking that the atheists will go ballistic over this. It's a curiosity that I've long found intriguing. Apparently, you have to make a deliberate and willful decision to stop believing that God exists...
  2. SteveB

    Jesus fulfilled over 300 old testament prophecies JULY 20, 2020 JESUS FULFILLED OVER 300 PROPHECIES MATHEMATICALLY PROVING THAT HE IS THE MESSIAH BIBLE / TOPICAL STUDY There are over 300 prophecies that point directly to the Messiah. Let’s start with eight and the...
  3. SteveB

    Over 300 prophecies of OT for Messiah. JULY 20, 2020 JESUS FULFILLED OVER 300 PROPHECIES MATHEMATICALLY PROVING THAT HE IS THE MESSIAH BIBLE / TOPICAL STUDY There are over 300 prophecies that point directly to the Messiah. Let’s start with eight and the...
  4. SteveB

     Revelation, 404 verses, over 800 allusions to the old testament

    I've noticed over the years that there are numerous people who have stated that the book of Revelation is a book of symbolism, imagery, etc... And in all honesty, I believed that before too. But in the past few years, I've learned that in fact, there are over 800 allusions to the old testament...
  5. SteveB

     A learning exercise

    This is one of those for my learning experience opportunities. How many atheists, unbelievers, agnostics, etc... Think that once they die, and are faced with the undeniable reality that they screwed up by ignoring the gospel and Jesus, they should be allowed to not spend their eternity in a...
  6. SteveB

     Let us learn...

    It's a curious thing about asking questions. As noted several times before, we who follow Jesus are here because we actually like talking about Jesus. If we ask you questions, it's because we are aware that we don't understand your atheism, your respective, often personally held views. As...
  7. SteveB

     His own special people

    Come to Jesus. An excellent study on a primal topic. Live.
  8. SteveB

     Another one of those- oops, we ran into....

    Well, it's happened again. I am getting one of those-- oops, we ran into some trouble- error messages I have no idea what the problem is. I tried breaking the post into individual groups. It won't let me cut. I can only copy. I posted a period. No problem. Several other people are posting after...
  9. SteveB

     Poster's inability to create their own op, hijacking my op to describe the experiences of Jesus followers

    A poster has decided to make a series of accusations about my "crimes" against unbelievers and atheists on this forum. I'm harsh, brutal, mean, and apparently unrelenting in my noting the consequences of sin. I've asked them a few times to post their own op, and let me focus on posting the...
  10. SteveB

     Experiencing YHVH's Word

    A longstanding topic of discussion here is what happens when we turn to YHVH from our sin, and place our trust in Jesus, and what this experience is like. As biblical Christianity is based on the biblical narrative, it's imperative to have a biblical understanding. A man-made narrative...
  11. SteveB

     Religion vs Grace

    From a friend. Religion vs. Grace... Religion says that if we obey God He will love us. The gospel says that it is because God has loved us through Jesus that we can obey. Religion says that the world is filled with good people and bad people. The gospel says that the world is filled with...
  12. SteveB

     Poster for the win

    Since they are constantly telling us they've won, are winning, or will win, it seems necessary to note who the real winner is here. Contrary to popular belief among the atheists, there's only One who has already won... He won at his resurrection. His name is Jesus. I know, many of you will...
  13. SteveB

     Cultural imperialism and insane arrogance?

    Several years ago someone posted an article about cultural imperialism dealing with the idea that we're acting in an insanely arrogant manner for telling people about Jesus...
  14. SteveB

     Science vs scientism

    A rather interesting interview.
  15. SteveB

     A limited perspective...

    Here's a rather interesting discussion about the problem with having a limited perspective to the larger picture.
  16. SteveB

     Since a few atheists love trying to confuse the issues

    Over the past several years, a few atheists have loved to throw Islam and the Quran into the mix, in an attempt to claim the Bible can't be true, because Muslim are equally convinced they're right, or that the Quran must be true. Here is a three part video series discussing Mohammed, The Quran...
  17. SteveB

     Surprising rebirth of belief in God Apparently new atheism has died. I.e., even the high end intellectuals abandoned the 4 horsemen.
  18. SteveB

     You just don't want to get it.

    Seems pretty straightforward. You come here to supposedly learn about whether or not YHVH is real and knowable, you state up front that you "believe in one less god" than we who follow Jesus believe in. We got all that. We understand that you don't actually know YHVH is real, from the...
  19. SteveB

     Happy, and meaningful life.

    Since @positive atheist mentioned it, and @Algor stated he actively thinks about it.... I thought- hey! Let's open this one up, and see where it goes. So... Atheists... And especially @positive atheist ... Tell us what you think happiness and a meaningful life consists of!