And that is why the world system inserts itself between God and people, proclaiming that people are incapable of understanding God; that people need the professional religionists to take care of them.And since God is supreme over all, don't you think what He tells us in Scripture outweighs all others? God intended for ALL peoples to understand what He has written, and if we are truly interested in knowing Him, and what Scripture says and means, He will gladly make His meaning and will known to us.
And once this pagan falsehood is accepted, the world system can say whatever it likes about God. If anyone questions the declarations, they get the response of, "O, you just don't understand, little sheepie!" or, "Who are you to question the professionals?"
Finally, the system will resort to violence to quiet the questioning voices - violence ranging from bad-mouthing the questioners to outright murder of them.
And like the monkey of the story, the system's adherents see no evil.
"Esse quam videri"