cosmic artillery


Super Member
When the Chicxulub impact slammed into the Earth nearly of 75% of the Earth’s species vanished. The mass extinction was also amplified by ejecting gigantic quantities of sulfur aerosols into the atmosphere, reducing the sun's irradiance thereby lowering the planet's surface temperature. Although a truly cataclysmic event, the impact also produced the foundations that eventually made global human civilization feasible. In short order elevated concentrations of iridium covered the surface of the Earth but within years and even decades afterward "the Chicxulub impact basin returned to a relatively low-energy depositional environment, recording in unprecedented detail the recovery of life during the succeeding millennia."

"When you ignore them, they panic. When you take away their life's breath, they die and return to dust.
When you send your life-giving breath, they are created, and you replenish the surface of the ground." (Psalm 104: 29-30 )


Christopher K. Junium et al., “Massive Perturbations to Atmospheric Sulfur in the Aftermath of the Chicxulub Impact,” PANS, March 21, 2022

Astronomy, Friday, March 12, 2021