Disturbing ads from days gone by...

The commentary was dumb, but the ads are funny.
Some of it was, but some of those ads are disturbing...like the husband spanking his wife because she served him stale coffee....the toddler playing with a gun because it has a safety on, advertising how safe it is...doctors recommending sugary soda drinks for babies and toddlers...a man standing on a tiger skin rug, that has the head on an attractive woman, and the man's foot is on her head, keeping her in her "place"...
Some of it was, but some of those ads are disturbing...like the husband spanking his wife because she served him stale coffee
There's a great video on Youtube of Phil Donahue interviewing John Wayne.

It's interesting for two reasons. First, because it's not John Wayne like you've ever seen him. He's not the swaggering, hippie stomping John Wayne, but just this guy in a bad toupee having a conversation. Second, because you would think Phil Donahue would really unleash all his Democrat hate on John Wayne, but he's actually pretty respectful. But I digress.

There's a point in the interview where Phil Donahue, being Phil Donahue, brings up the scenes in McClintock and The Quiet Man where John Wayne puts Maureen O'Hara over his lap and puts her in her place.

I thought this would be the point where the hairy-legged women's libbers would really let him have it, but when Donahue brought this up, the women went absolutely nuts and started applauding and cat-calling. Apparently, even women's libbers want a strong man.

Incidentally, Wayne said Maureen O'Hara could hold herself with most men and, that if he had done this in real life, she would have killed him.

It's a fun interview if you ever want to look it up.
A few of them still resonate: e.g. "Successful marriages start in the kitchen." But the advertizing industry was never a bastion of morality, was it? Rather a testimony to the excesses of consumerism.