Fatalism is divine meticulous determinism for calvinists

I'm 100 % correct every definition supports my POV that determinism/calvinism is fatalism. Only a person in denial would argue otherwise.



hope this helps !!!
I admit I am in denial -- denial there is truth in what you say.

God purposefully predestines (Eph 1:11) according to scripture.

Nothing in thus world occurs by blind fate, or luck.

Only Pagans believe in blind fate and luck.
I'm 100 % correct every definition supports my POV that determinism/calvinism is fatalism. Only a person in denial would argue otherwise.



hope this helps !!!
It is more complicated than this boiled down lumpy gravy you've made.

I agree there are senses of fatalism within certain views of determinism held by some Calvinists.

Using you as an example, very few people get into the details of these arguments because they are complicated. People like simple things. That is why you're digging through commentary to establish your view instead of identifying all the pieces yourself and building your theology building yourself.

I know that hurts but it is the Truth. Concepts of determinism are complex and many people get it wrong. I've watched the arguments change over the years. The Internet is full of misinformation concerning the origins and arguments of influential people on the subject. That is why you must work with the pieces.
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I'm right fatalism is determinism and predestination according to calvinism. Arguing otherwise is an exercise in futility on your part.

hope this helps !!!

You've "proved" nothing.

All horses are animals.
Not all animals are horses.

All fatalism is determinism.
Not all determinism is fatalism.
I think the argument would be that fatalism is based on fate, not God.
The outcome, nevertheless, is the same; those decreed by God to go to hell, or those decreed by fate to go to hell.
Simple as that!!! Calvinist "ELECTION" is an arbitrary Crap-shoot. Nobody has any CHOICE in the matter (either way).
I admit I am in denial -- denial there is truth in what you say.

God purposefully predestines (Eph 1:11) according to scripture.

Nothing in thus world occurs by blind fate, or luck.

Only Pagans believe in blind fate and luck.
Exactly. Everything serves a purpose. Proverbs 16:4. There is no purpose in fatalism.
define what you mean by that and I will let you know. :)
My sentiments respecting the providence of God are these: It is present with, and presides over, all things; and all things, according to their essences, quantities, qualities, relations, actions, passions, places, times, stations and habits, are subject to its governance, conservation, and direction. I except neither particular, sublunary, vile, nor contingent things, not even the free wills of men or of angels, either good or evil: And, what is still more, I do not take away from the government of the divine providence even sins themselves, whether we take into our consideration their commencement, their progress, or their termination

My sentiments respecting the providence of God are these: It is present with, and presides over, all things; and all things, according to their essences, quantities, qualities, relations, actions, passions, places, times, stations and habits, are subject to its governance, conservation, and direction. I except neither particular, sublunary, vile, nor contingent things, not even the free wills of men or of angels, either good or evil: And, what is still more, I do not take away from the government of the divine providence even sins themselves, whether we take into our consideration their commencement, their progress, or their termination
No I do not by that definition its determinism/fatalism/predestination( calvinism ) under a different name.
I'm with Roger Olsons definition here :

Most people know that Arminians do not believe that God micromanages history or human lives–especially not in terms of evil. That is, Arminians do not believe that God designs, foreordains or renders certain sinful acts. Sin and evil are included in God’s consequent will, not God’s antecedent will. God governs them but does not design, foreordain or render them certain. I have expressed my own overall view of God’s providence this way: “God is in charge but not in control.” However, some Arminians objected to that. I’m not going to repeat my explanation or defense of that here.
My sentiments respecting the providence of God are these: It is present with, and presides over, all things; and all things, according to their essences, quantities, qualities, relations, actions, passions, places, times, stations and habits, are subject to its governance, conservation, and direction. I except neither particular, sublunary, vile, nor contingent things, not even the free wills of men or of angels, either good or evil: And, what is still more, I do not take away from the government of the divine providence even sins themselves, whether we take into our consideration their commencement, their progress, or their termination

I predict that won't make a difference to the contemporary, neo-Christians active at CARM.
I'm with Roger Olsons definition here :

Most people know that Arminians do not believe that God micromanages history or human lives–especially not in terms of evil. That is, Arminians do not believe that God designs, foreordains or renders certain sinful acts. Sin and evil are included in God’s consequent will, not God’s antecedent will. God governs them but does not design, foreordain or render them certain. I have expressed my own overall view of God’s providence this way: “God is in charge but not in control.” However, some Arminians objected to that. I’m not going to repeat my explanation or defense of that here.
Neo-Arminianism. ^^
yes I like neo christian as a description for calvinists. I concur.