Because my parents were Jewish and I practice Judaism.
You can only practice a fragment of what has been left over of Judaism since the Temple was demolished,
and all Temple sacrifices were brought to a halt in 70AD.
Why would God allow for the very sacrifices that He demanded of Jews to gain atonement for sins, to disappear?
For 2000 years no Temple? What kind of sins have the Jews been committing for God to disallow the rebuilding?
What symbolically took place on the Temple altar was finally replaced by God with the real thing. No more symbolism.
The animal sacrifices demanded by God could only be symbolic teaching tools to teach principles of atonement.
Principles to become ingrained in the believers thinking which would be understood and needed to comprehend the Blood of Jesus.
So, please stop with your "Jewish badge of alleged authority" that you wish to flaunt here.
For starters....
My dad was one of the founders of our local synagogue.
The congregation I had my bar mitzvah take place before.
He was a retired musician and also used to sound the Shofar on Yom Kippur.
I was no fan of typical Christianity as its revealed to most people today.
It was Jesus I found intriguing.
I would not want to attend most churches that are very weak in teaching.
It was Jesus Christ who called me... not some church.
After being made spiritually alive when I made the choice to accept Jesus dying for my sins, was when I was
supernaturally led into find a few excellent teachers who were capable of teaching the Word of God in such a way
it actually began to explain what being a true Jew is...
David, Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and others had a relationship with the God of Israel that Jews today cry out for, but are not finding it.
You can keep the Law as much as possible. But it will never give you the indwelling Spirit God whom will comfort and guide you.
Feeling sorry for wandering religious Jews does no good for me.... I am encouraged when I see other Jews nodding and understanding
what I speak of. For they entered the spiritual life themselves.
Religious Judaism can not produce in a person what finding the living Yeshua does, and will.
So... in the mean time I must tolerate religious Jews who have no idea what it is they are missing.
Pleasing God is not a matter of "joining a club" and dedication oneself to follow its rules. Be it, alleged Christianity, Islam, or Judaism.
In the mean while..
Heaven is going to be perfect.
I hope to see all here there.