Happy Anniversary Vatican II

Vatican II decreed and implemented teachings previously condemned by the Infallible Teaching Magisterium of the Church.

It created a novel, heretical ecclesiology in which the big tent "Church of Christ" consists of a collection of contradicting schismatic and non-Catholic sects with contradicting doctrines, worship, disciplines, morality and government which are not in union with each other.

Its teaching on ecumenism is overtly heretical in that it teaches that non-Catholic sects themselves are "particular churches" and are a "means of salvation." This doctrine directly contradicts the De fide teaching of the Church that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, called by Pope Pius IX a “most well-known Catholic dogma.”

Vatican II claims that Muslims worship the same god as Christians and that they are part of the "plan of salvation."

Vatican II praised the pagan religions of Hinduism and Buddhism and claims that one can be an atheist through no fault of their own.

Vatican II teaching on religious liberty, contained in Dignitatis Humanae, nearly word for word asserts the very doctrine which was condemned directly by multiple popes in the past.

Vatican II teaching concerning collegiality attempts to alter the monarchical constitution of the Catholic Church, with which she was endowed by the Divine Savior.

The fruits of Vatican II are like the atomic bombs being dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; a near complete destruction of the dogmas, liturgy and disciplines of the Catholic Church.

Now the Novus Ordo sect is being led by a public manifest apostate that has repeatedly denied the Catholic Faith and that there even exists any true religion at all.

He endorses divorce, abortion, adultery, sodomy, LQBTQ/pedophile/transgenderism, humanism, religious indifferentism, pantheism and communism. He is trying to destroy what little remains of Catholicism in his perverted Novus Ordo religion by eliminating the Latin Mass. He is causing a schism within his sect.

Thank God more and more people each day are recognizing that it is impossible for this man to be the pope and at the same time to maintain the Church's teaching on the papacy and the indefectibility and infallibility of the Church.

The seminaries operated by sedevacantist bishops are overflowing with young men being called to the priesthood to offer the true sacrifice of the Mass and to teach and promulgate the traditional Catholic Faith.
Myfy...... since you seem to know alot on this subject, so let me ask you this . . . Is it true to say and believe that the Roman Catholic Church officially teaches that through the apostles the Lord Jesus Christ established a human priesthood with divine authority to forgive sins and to absolve men from guilt and bring them into a state of forgiveness and reconciliation with God?
Myfy...... since you seem to know alot on this subject, so let me ask you this . . . Is it true to say and believe that the Roman Catholic Church officially teaches that through the apostles the Lord Jesus Christ established a human priesthood with divine authority to forgive sins and to absolve men from guilt and bring them into a state of forgiveness and reconciliation with God?
The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus Christ instituted the sacraments to be administered by the Apostles and their successors and through the priesthood and that these sacraments are necessary and sufficient for the Church to carry out Her work.

Christ instituted the sacrament of penance after His Resurrection, when: "He said therefore to them again; Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them, and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost:Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose you shall retain, they are retained."

The purpose of the sacrament is that those who have fallen into sin after baptism may be reconciled to God.

This is not related to the OP, so any further questions off topic I will ignore.