Well-known member
● 1Cor 4:4 . . My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent.
During former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's assassination back in 2011, he
was overheard to complain: Why are you doing this? I've done nothing wrong.
Former US President Richard Nixon once stated-- in so many words --that when a
President breaks the law, it's not a crime.
The USA prohibits discriminatory hiring practices based upon age, race, or sex; yet
when the opportunity came to replace one of the US Supreme Court justices,
President Biden ignored fair hiring practices and announced his intention to
nominate a black woman; thus effectively disqualifying all non black non female
candidates solely upon the basis of their color and their gender.
Those three men serve to demonstrate just how unreliable the human conscience
can be at times.
Man was created with as near a perfect conscience as a creature can be given.
● Gen 1:27 . . God created Man in His own image, in the image of God created He
But then came the forbidden fruit incident by which Man's near-divine conscience
underwent something that caused it to become that of a tin God.
● Gen 3:22 . . The Lord God said: The man has now become like one of us,
knowing good and evil.
Man was able to discern between good and evil before his fall, but that was by
means of a conscience influenced by its maker. The forbidden fruit incident altered
Man's conscience to become his own influence, i.e. Man became defensive, and he
rationalizes a lot too. (Rom 2:14-15)
I think the writer of 1Cor 4:4 was well aware of just how tricky Man's conscience
can be so he was reluctant to insist upon his innocence-- a little sophistry here and
a little rationalizing there, and even incorrigible monsters like Communist China's Xi
Jinping and North Korea's Kim Jong-Un can be persuaded in their own minds to
believe themselves okay guys.
● Jer 17:9-10 . .The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick;
who can understand it? . . . I, The Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to
give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.
The upside is: Christ's crucifixion not only serves to rescue people from their sins,
but according to Heb 9:8-14 his death atones for their conscience too.
BODY COUNT UPDATE: 1,255 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 94,274,345 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Feb 04, 2021.
● 1Cor 4:4 . . My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent.
During former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's assassination back in 2011, he
was overheard to complain: Why are you doing this? I've done nothing wrong.
Former US President Richard Nixon once stated-- in so many words --that when a
President breaks the law, it's not a crime.
The USA prohibits discriminatory hiring practices based upon age, race, or sex; yet
when the opportunity came to replace one of the US Supreme Court justices,
President Biden ignored fair hiring practices and announced his intention to
nominate a black woman; thus effectively disqualifying all non black non female
candidates solely upon the basis of their color and their gender.
Those three men serve to demonstrate just how unreliable the human conscience
can be at times.
Man was created with as near a perfect conscience as a creature can be given.
● Gen 1:27 . . God created Man in His own image, in the image of God created He
But then came the forbidden fruit incident by which Man's near-divine conscience
underwent something that caused it to become that of a tin God.
● Gen 3:22 . . The Lord God said: The man has now become like one of us,
knowing good and evil.
Man was able to discern between good and evil before his fall, but that was by
means of a conscience influenced by its maker. The forbidden fruit incident altered
Man's conscience to become his own influence, i.e. Man became defensive, and he
rationalizes a lot too. (Rom 2:14-15)
I think the writer of 1Cor 4:4 was well aware of just how tricky Man's conscience
can be so he was reluctant to insist upon his innocence-- a little sophistry here and
a little rationalizing there, and even incorrigible monsters like Communist China's Xi
Jinping and North Korea's Kim Jong-Un can be persuaded in their own minds to
believe themselves okay guys.
● Jer 17:9-10 . .The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick;
who can understand it? . . . I, The Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to
give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.
The upside is: Christ's crucifixion not only serves to rescue people from their sins,
but according to Heb 9:8-14 his death atones for their conscience too.
BODY COUNT UPDATE: 1,255 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 94,274,345 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Feb 04, 2021.