How do athiests know if something is true or not?

You're off on a tangent ..... wiggle room to your left.

You just jumped on the "supernatural bandwagon." No one knows what that is unless they experience something like that for themselves.

Again. God did not give supernatural signs to make atheists into believers.

The Bible never condones supernatural signs as for a means to evangelize. The signs are for those who will believe when they rarely occurred.

Jesus thought little of supernatural signs... here!

“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers.
Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced
even if someone rises from the dead.’”
We're losing established ground here. I already stated that of course the intent of a miracle is to do something other than instill faith. God instills faith without miracles every day, but we hear personal miracles change the faithless into the faithful all the time. It doesn't matter what the intent of a miracle is. It does not negate the need for explicit miracles in this day and age, miracles that could make a difference in the lives of the suffering and have the extra bonus of changing the faithless into the faithful. Why did the era of explicit miracles end?
God's not going to let those whom He knows are his to slip through his fingers. Atheists are a trophy of sorts for great design. It proves that he did in fact create free will.
No, Christians that violate the commandments they are commanded to adhere to are trophies for some great design proving that he did in fact create free will. Atheists are proof that God is a very weak concept.
Though it is his desire that all believe? He created life that has reserved an area of privacy that can even defy the one who created him.
Absence and hiddenness in His creation are not necessary for that. This is where your example of CNN and MSNBC come into play. They don't need to be hidden to not be believed. You have a serious non-sequitur there.
You are proof to Satan that God is not to blame for how he ended up.

Everything serves a purpose....
And you are proof that man makes up some pretty silly stuff to hide from his ignorance.
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We're losing established ground here. I already stated that of course the intent of a miracle is to do something other than instill faith. God instills faith without miracles every day, but we hear personal miracles change the faithless into the faithful all the time. It doesn't matter what the intent of a miracle is. It does not negate the need for explicit miracles in this day and age, miracles that could make a difference in the lives of the suffering and have the extra bonus of changing the faithless into the faithful. Why did the era of explicit miracles end?

No, Christians that violate the commandments they are commanded to adhere to are trophies for some great design proving that he did in fact create free will. Atheists are proof that God is a very weak concept.

Absence and hiddenness in His creation are not necessary for that. This is where your example of CNN and MSNBC come into play. They don't need to be hidden to not be believed. You have a serious non-sequitur there.

And you are proof that man makes up some pretty silly stuff to hide from his ignorance.
Do you ever feel like God has reason to reject you?
Do you ever feel like God has reason to reject you?
Seems impossible. If He would exist, and be the omnipotent origin of all that is, and nothing is given life except through Him, and no life is taken except through Him, then I live and breath and have my being in His acceptance of me.
Seems impossible. If He would exist, and be the omnipotent origin of all that is, and nothing is given life except through Him, and no life is taken except through Him, then I live and breath and have my being in His acceptance of me.
Do you think I knew God was real before I believed? I had enough sense to know he might be real. But, did I know? No. I was shocked and upset when I discovered how blind I had been before. But, I could not prove God existed before I believed. Growing up as a Jew I used to wonder how the OT people could be that way in regards to knowing God. And, I refused to torment myself with wishful thinking... which was how I perceived religious people.
You are going to miss out on a lot in life if you must be there to see it to believe it.

Besides... you missed the point again. If you were there to see the parting of the Red Sea? You could have ended up like many who rejected the evidence. That's why its on record. To show that your demand is meaningless when it comes to knowing God is real. For God is real. Some fail to gain this truth. Satan and his angels did the same thing.... Judas ate with the Lord. I'm not surprised about you.

I can show you that all mammal females have mammary glands. And, then you are going to tell me? That each species and breed developed the same biological schematic independently one from another? That's ludicrous.

But... you insist there was no designer, nor intelligent design involved. You know how dumb that makes you look in the face of the evidence?

Now... go give me some excuse, or rationalization. All female mammals have mammary glands. Just so happened to fall in place that way when all those lumps of matter got zapped by lightning.

You need God. To make you honest with yourself. Not religion. God.

You you still have no evidence for your BELIEFS. Why is it that your deity can't provide evidence?
You you still have no evidence for your BELIEFS. Why is it that your deity can't provide evidence?

He has provided evidence. The very things you deny with a cold heart.

Maybe you are one of those that will burn in an imaginary Hell. And, will only imagine its imaginary.

Have fun! Enjoy the time you have been allotted.

Why come here to waste your limited seconds with us delusional ones?

Its so foolish to waste your time!!!

Do you have any hobbies? Try bird watching. Amazing examples of how molecules miraculously arranged by chance.
Your conclusions don't hold. We know EXACTLY how books are produced. We have plenty of books available for which we can objectively produce an actual living, breathing author. Not so with the universe. You are attempting an apples to oranges comparison.
I'm looking at a new York times article from 2019, and I see where they used an existing bacteria to create an artificial organism, but i don't see anything that they created their own atoms, organized the atoms into DNA and then created the organism.

Researchers at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Britain reported on Wednesday that they had rewritten the DNA of the bacteria Escherichia coli, fashioning a synthetic genome four times larger and far more complex than any previously created.

So, do you have any articles that describe how they did create the atoms, organize the atoms into DNA and then create the organism from their atoms, DNA, etc?

Moreover, since the argument is that humans don't need God and can do it better themselves, it seems reasonable to say that scientists need to write new laws upon which the atoms can exist and interact, and the laws which allow them to adhere to one another, and contain the information required to allow DNA to connect with each other to become proteins, and then create the cellular material.

As the old joke goes,

Some scientists claimed that they could do what God does.
They grabbed some dirt, but God stepped in and raised his hand and shook his finger saying, uh-uh!
Make your own dirt!
I'll add that they need to write their own laws/rules too!
He has provided evidence. The very things you deny with a cold heart.

Maybe you are one of those that will burn in an imaginary Hell. And, will only imagine its imaginary.

Have fun! Enjoy the time you have been allotted.

Why come here to waste your limited seconds with us delusional ones?

Its so foolish to waste your time!!!

Do you have any hobbies? Try bird watching. Amazing examples of how molecules miraculously arranged by chance.
And still no objective evidence for your claims.
I'm looking at a new York times article from 2019, and I see where they used an existing bacteria to create an artificial organism, but i don't see anything that they created their own atoms, organized the atoms into DNA and then created the organism.

So, do you have any articles that describe how they did create the atoms, organize the atoms into DNA and then create the organism from their atoms, DNA, etc?

Moreover, since the argument is that humans don't need God and can do it better themselves, it seems reasonable to say that scientists need to write new laws upon which the atoms can exist and interact, and the laws which allow them to adhere to one another, and contain the information required to allow DNA to connect with each other to become proteins, and then create the cellular material.

As the old joke goes,

Some scientists claimed that they could do what God does.
They grabbed some dirt, but God stepped in and raised his hand and shook his finger saying, uh-uh!
Make your own dirt!
I'll add that they need to write their own laws/rules too!
And none of that is evidence for a deity. You are trying to play the "god of the gaps" game. Try again.
And none of that is evidence for a deity. You are trying to play the "god of the gaps" game. Try again.
No god of the gaps at all.
YHVH doesn't need gaps.
I'm simply asking you if you have actual evidence of not.
Based on this response, I'd say your answer is no.... and not just no, but a resounding--- Oh Hell NO!

So, thank you.
And still no objective evidence for your claims.
If I could provide what you ask for? Who would not believe?

You have to be simultaneously very dumb to be intelligent and see no intelligent designer concerning biological life.

An elephant has a liver. Do you?

An elephant has heart. Do you?

An elephant has bones and ligaments. Do you?

Did we "evolve" from a common ancestor?

Or, form miraculously in form and function from independent globs of matter?

How stupid can one be?

Or? Deliberately deceptive?

I am not going to give you what you already have been given...

You just like to torment.... Therefore, you are.

I got better things to do. But, right now I have some free time.
You have to be simultaneously very dumb to be intelligent and see no intelligent designer concerning biological life.
I think you're position is an argument from personal incredulity, ie, I can't see how biological life could come to be naturally therefore God.
I think you're position is an argument from personal incredulity, ie, I can't see how biological life could come to be naturally therefore God.


"I can't see how biological life could come to be naturally therefore God."

I believe that may need some rephrasing to mean what you wanted it to say, please.
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"I can't see how biological life could come to be naturally therefore God."

I believe that may need some rephrasing to mean what you wanted it to say, please.
You seem to think biological life is impossible without God. Do I have that right?