If You could Have Only 1 Wish . . .


Well-known member
If you,( no matter if you are RC or not), could have only one wish granted for all Roman Catholics, what would it be?
If you,( no matter if you are RC or not), could have only one wish granted for all Roman Catholics, what would it be?
That the newfangled factions mostly from the US Church, would grow to appreciate the unity in Christ we shared as Catholics. The relentless public in fighting is a modern thing and an awful wound.
That the newfangled factions mostly from the US Church, would grow to appreciate the unity in Christ we shared as Catholics. The relentless public in fighting is a modern thing and an awful wound.
It is not a modern thing at all. That is an RCC delusion. The evil fruit and false teachings of your institution have caused division, schism and splits for centuries. When holy men have tried to teach the truth, they were excommunicated whilst the evil leaders remained and flourished. What you see to day is the result of centuries of ignoring God's words and the warnings He has sent. Your institution has continued to hid sin and not expose it. It is being punished as the Israelites were punished when they ignored God.
That the newfangled factions mostly from the US Church, would grow to appreciate the unity in Christ we shared as Catholics. The relentless public in fighting is a modern thing and an awful wound.
I am going to guess the you are referring to non-rc's in your post.

2 Corinthians 6:13-15

Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged.

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? <<------ these things cannot coexist at the same time.

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
Stella1000 said:
That the newfangled factions mostly from the US Church, would grow to appreciate the unity in Christ we shared as Catholics. The relentless public in fighting is a modern thing and an awful wound.
I am going to guess the you are referring to non-rc's in your post.
No. I was referring to aggressive conservative factions within the Catholic Church who are more political than spiritual.
That everyone would live in the Divine Will of God.
Every body does whether they know it or not, His will decides where they will end up. God knows those who are His and those who are not. His will for their outcome will be done.
Spiritual experience does not save anyone.

Then are you referring to statues, candles, organ music such as the 'Bible looks like'?
Statues and candles? You can have it. That Roman stuff has never done anything for me, though I get that people like that stuff. When I go into a Catholic Church for the first time---my cohorts are all into the art, the statues, all of that. I could care less. The only thing I care about is--where is the organ? Is it any good? I am an organist.

But----I am talking about Jesus. What are you talking about?
That Protestants would come to know and love the beauty of the Catholic Faith; that Catholicism is what the Bible looks like in the Christian religion.
But----I am talking about Jesus. What are you talking about?
... Catholicism is the most perfect expression of Christianity that there is.
What exactly is 'the beauty of the catholic Faith' which portrays 'what the Bible looks like'?