Depends on your definition of "Seer".
Bottom line There are different "Spiritual sources" that can (and do) interact with people. Jesus promised that we'd KNOW HIS VOICE, and my experience is that it's true. Knowing what the Bible says is the "safety". God
WILL NEVER contradict his written Word.
Personally I've "Spoken in tongues" since '73, but NEVER in the Public sense, but always in the 1 Cor 14:4 sense, so in answer to Paul's question: "do all speak in tongues?" - I don't.
However I Have interpreted often.
In the 1 Cor 12:7-10 listing, "Tongues", "Interpretation of tongues", "Word of Knowledge", "Word of Wisdom", and "Prophesy" are essentially all the SAME GIFT. The only difference is "Content".
BUT nobody "OWNS" the gifts, which are temporary empowerments given AS REQUIRED by the Holy Spirit in the performance of ministry. The 1 Cor 12 list is NOT "Inclusive" specifically. "Miracles" is a category with many variations. I have spoken prophetically, but I'm NOT a "Prophet". Right now I couldn't "Prophesy" if you held a gun to my head.
The prophetic WORD WILL NEVER contradict written Scripture. it may, however, contradict "Man's Denominational Theology" which isn't necessarily based on truth at all.
There ARE satanic "Prophets" who DO get their pontifications from demonic sources - The "Marian Apparitions" that Roman Catholics have been led astray by would be an example of demonic "lying Wonders".
That the "Apparitions" are demonic is witnessed by what they say/want, when compared against the Written word.
Biblical IGNORANCE makes one FAIR GAME to deception.