Denying the truth doesn't constitute being the truth.
The SART team has made many contributions.
If I asked anyone in textual criticism or paleography or the British Library, would they agree with your
Like what?
Making a bunch of poppycock claims like "Simonides used Claromontanus," which even he wasn't dumb enough to assert?
However, bringing forth quotes that are important and have been hidden from the scholarship is extremely important.
What are you claiming was hidden?
The fact Simonides wrote some letters and signed another guy's name to it was known in 1862, which was 160 years ago.
Nothing has been "hidden," so I don't know why you claim it was.
And giving them proper context is extremely important, e.g. if they show a historical imperative by impossible knowledge. (e.g. The 1843 theft.)
There is no "historical imperative" involved here, just your flawed bibliology functioning as a motivation fallacy.
There was no "impossible knowledge" no matter how many times you keep making this ridiculous claim.
All Simonides related was what was already known about Sinaiticus.
Why did he claim stuff in Genesis? Because he knew it wasn't there!
An example of an amazing quote is Tischendorf concerned about Simonides while he is en route to the 1859 theft. Can you show that in any other Sinaiticus scholarship? Similarly the quote from Tischendorf in 1844 that proves that the whole "saved by fire" nonsense was malarky, a self-serving con job. Unmentioned among Sinaiticus writers, except our studies.
That entire "his story doesn't add up" was known 160 years go.
Try again.
An example of palaeography is questioning the absurd dating of the Three Crosses Note in the standard Sinaiticus sham scholarship, using Tischendorf plug-in-the-date numbers. And questioning why Tischendorf talked of notes that were truncated at the margins. And there are many more.
Contras should try to work with the real issues, instead of looking foolish, as I pointed out to TNC recently.
Not only do you have an interesting definition of "foolish," but you seem blissfully unaware that people who - unlike you - have actually seen the manuscript...find your fantasy version of events amusing and not to be taken seriously.
One example of foolishness is Tommy Wasserman trying to censor any discussion on forums. Another is the current "attack the messenger" attempt.
I'm sorry, but pointing out you have nothing but quotes is not attacking the MESSENGER, it's attacking the flawed "research" you invoke.
You know this, but you like to pretend to be persecuted.
You are just upset that this thread has strongly supported the creation of Sinaiticus c. 1840 at Mt. Athos, for thinkers. So rather than substantive discussion, your modus operandi is to attack the messenger. Typical.
Guy who accuses other people of mind reading.....thinks he can read minds.
Let's cut through the bull.
If you had ANYTHING of actual substance, you wouldn't be posting these mindless musings on CARM or other chat forums.
You would, instead, be IN ENGLAND going over the manuscript and delivering your findings that way.
You would be involved in actual, not online fantasy, research.
You're not for one reason only - even you know that being a troll making demonstrably untrue assertions is a whole lot easier than actually providing scientific evidence for your position.
You have provided NOTHING MORE in your blizzard of posts here than "Simonides said."
Even saying "Kallinikos said" is actually saying, "Simonides said," since they are one and the same.