Jesus "felt" forsaken on the Cross, but He wasn't really forsaken by God ...


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As I've heard it said about that, then the best the believer can do is feel forgiven and not forsaken each without assurance.
As I've heard it said about that, then the best the believer can do is feel forgiven and not forsaken each without assurance.
I would suggest that if Jesus felt Forsaken but wasn't, he had a false view point...

Likewise, I would suggest that if Jesus felt Forsaken but couldn't have a false view point; he was Forsaken...
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Or He did not and was an actual declaration everyone hearing would understand came from psalm 22 and that He was claiming to be the Messiah described in the Psalm .
How about this, would the Romans know Jesus was quoting from the Bible? Jews and Gentiles Crucified Jesus, representing all of us. Father Forgive them for they know not what they do, more readily applies to the Gentiles. This reminds me of my Gospel Tract titled "They knew all along".
How about this, would the Romans know Jesus was quoting from the Bible? Jews and Gentiles Crucified Jesus, representing all of us. Father Forgive them for they know not what they do, more readily applies to the Gentiles. This reminds me of my Gospel Tract titled "They knew all along".

Questions about the Bible #86 by Brother C W Miller

John 3:2
; After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus. "Rabbi," he said, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you."

Isn’t it interesting what some people know, but they don’t want it to get around that they know it? If it got out, there might be a risk involved from their peers and something precious could be lost. ~ Nicodemus was a ruler from the Sanhedrin, a Pharisee who lead the religious establishment in Jerusalem. He comes to Jesus at night and let’s the cat out of the bag; they know that Jesus was sent to them from God and the reason they know is because they’ve authenticated his miracles. This meant that those miracles may just as well have been a sign from their maker; much like a tag sewn into the collar of a shirt naming the brand. Nicodemus may have been sent by the Sanhedrin to investigate Jesus; or he may have taken a risk to see for himself…

On another day when there was a large crowd around Jesus on the road, a ruler from the local Synagogue who’s name was Jairus knelt down at the feet of Jesus. He pleaded with Jesus for the life of his daughter, who was at the point of death. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night but Jairus came to him in the day for all the town to see; he indeed risked much. It has been a long tradition in America that the President never bow to a foreign leader; Jairus knelt at the feet of Jesus! As part of the established religion, Jairus knew that Jesus was sent from God. His risk may have been greater than that of Nicodemus but even Jairus didn’t risk all; he knew that Jesus was sent from God. Whatever he lost that day, he gained by receiving his daughter back from the dead…

When Jesus was brought up before the Sanhedrin for the charge of blasphemy, their council discussed his fate; even acknowledging that Jesus certainly preformed miracles. Caiaphas said that it would be better for one man to die than all their people perish at the hands of the Romans because of the Civil uproar over Jesus. Caiaphas said this because he had prophesied earlier in the year that Jesus would die for the world; they knew! ~ Nicodemus and Jairus risked much but did not risk all; they knew. Though Caiaphas knew, he truly risked all by not coming to Christ…

Adam and Eve Sinned in the Garden of Eden and since then, all have Sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God by lying, stealing and hating. God is Just and Holy, he sends Sinners to Hell as punishment for Sin. But you don’t have to go there because God is also Love; so much so that he sent his only Son Jesus Christ to be the Sinless sacrifice which atones for Sin. Jesus died on a Roman cross, was buried for three days, and rose from the dead as another Sign; one that says he is God! Trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and your Sins will be forgiven. When God looks at you, he will see a sign; one that looks like his Son. ~ The Bible says that everyone knows there is a God but suppresses the truth and have turned astray. Do not be like the Pharisees and suppress what you know. If you need more, seek and you will find; I bet you didn’t know this until now…

John 11:47-48
; Then the chief priests and Pharisees convened a council to discuss the situation. “What are we going to do?” they asked each other. “For this man certainly does miracles. If we let him alone the whole nation will follow him—and then the Roman army will come and kill us and take over the Jewish government.”
Well. That certainly is a equation formulated by the carnal mind......
Uh, my reasoning abilities are God-given
Why is "felt" not meaningful to you or the circumstances?
I've never asserted it's not meaningful, only that it is not what Jesus said; do you disagree?
When Jesus felt pain, I assume that didn't mean anything either?
It means He had a pain.
Remember, I've personally argued that the suffering of Jesus Christ in the Incarnation is all about His Priestly Work.
Well, if you personally did that, it still does not re-write the words Jesus uttered in anguish and pain on the Cross, right?

I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong, I'm just after the truth.
The Spirit of God works much like Jesus did on this earth with the disciples/apostles. The Spirit teaches and we endlessly resist. You're no different. Neither am I.

You made a logical argument to restrict and downplay what Jesus "felt" relative to our relationship to assurance.

Man, in the flesh, feels abandoned. Forsaken. It is very real to man. We ignore it and it is one of the most profound witnesses to our condition. We search and search and search and search for solutions....... We fill our lives with "things" and meaningless accomplishments..... all in an attempt to fill a hole we have in ourselves that can only be filled with God.

Jesus can be "touched" with the feelings of our weaknesses.

I know you don't want to hear this..... but the appeal in Calvinism to ignore "feelings" is detrimental to the appeal of God to humanity. When a person really is presented the Gospel.... it CUTS....... the Word itself is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart.....It opens us. It makes us naked and bare before God. It appeals to our own condition while provide the narrowest/only solution in Jesus Christ.
Nothing you say has re-written the anguished cry of Christ on the Cross. Nothing.

Nothing you say has re-written the anguished cry of Christ on the Cross. Nothing.
Why do you say it was an “ anguish cry “ when Jesus suffering was over when those words were spoken ?

Just after those words He said into your hands Father I commit My spirit then breathed His last and died.

By the time Jesus spoke those words His suffering was over with .

hope this helps !!!
Why do you say it was an “ anguish cry “ when Jesus suffering was over when those words were spoken ?
"... Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying," Mt 27
Just after those words He said into your hands Father I commit My spirit then breathed His last and died.
Yes, He did. His suffering was finished.

By the time Jesus spoke those words His suffering was over with .
As I said.
I'm not talking about "forsaken," but "anguish," which is a noun. ?

Also, forsaken means to quit, to leave.

No, why would I? But it seems you're believing it.
No I’m not that’s the point you are equivocating.