Throughout Adversus Praxeas, he speaks as a representative of a "we." For example Tertullian says, "we, however, as we indeed always have done ... believe that there is only one God."[1] Or again, pressing Praxeas to prove his points from Scripture like "we" do, Tertullian demands "You ought to prove plainly, however, your points as we ourselves prove that He made His Word a Son to Himself."[2] This "we" refers to the orthodox belief as handed down, as Tertullian says, "from the beginning."[3]
As far as terminology is concerned, Tertullian speaks of a divine economy (oikonomia) within the Trinity. That is, it is proper to speak of the divine rule of God, or monarchy of God (monarcia), as fundamentally unified, and yet diverse in respect to each persons' function in our redemption. Thus, God the Father has a will encompassing all of Creation and Redemption, God the Son accomplished that will, and God the Holy Spirit applies the work of the Son according to the will of the Father to believers. There is a consequent unity of purpose, yet diversity in its operation. On this point, for example, Tertullian exposits John 10:34-38,[4] where Christ says that He is in the Father, and the Father is in Him,
" must therefore be by the works that the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father; and so it is by the works that we understand that the Father is one with the Son."[5]
This point offers a great amount of clarity by preventing the confusion of the Father as the Son (and vice versa). It also maintains the distinctiveness of their persons and the unity of their essence, or substance (substantia). Tertullian reiterates the distinctiveness of the Holy Spirit saying, "Thus the connection of the Father in the Son and of the Son in the Paraclete makes three coherent ones [TR - persons], one distinct from the other; these three exist as one essence, not as one person, just as it is said 'I and my Father, we are one," in respect to the unity of substance, not to the singularity of number.[6]
Tertullian, Adversus Praxeas
... believe that there is one only God, but under the following dispensation... that this one only God has also a Son, His Word, who proceeded from Himself, by whom all things were made, and without whom nothing was made.
Tertullian says, "we, however, as we indeed always have done ... believe that there is only one God."
these three exist as one essence
. that this one only God has also a Son,
The Trinitarian formulations of the early Church often seem to our postmodern culture as the inevitable brainchild of monastic orders, burlap habits, deserts, and Neoplatonic philosophy. Austere, abstract, and unconnected from everyday life—just like the stereotypical image of a monk.
Tertullian, simply is not stating the truth about a Trinity.
The statement as we however have always done, believe there is one God.
The vast majority of the church did not see it that way.
They believed from the get go, that he was preaching 2 and 3 gods and Tertullian himself tells us so.
So, Tertullian coined the word for your gods, he said TRINITAS OR TRINITY IN OUR ENGLISH, now that was ca 210 a.d.
Tertullian was a very young person as to his knowledge of Christianity, but a very old man.
He was not a Pastor.
Was not anything, but lucky his worked survived and others not so, or were destroyed by the Catholic cult.
Tertullian had no lineage back to the prior century, the 2nd, there was no one speaking of the Trinity, Triad, YES! A Gentile Pagan Platonic doctrine is where most in the 100-200 a.d. believed in.
Most of these were Greek Philosophers , supposedly saved (HIGHLY DOUBTFUL)!!
Some literally held 2 gods Justin being one, Origen later in the 3rd century.
MOST WERE SUBORDINATIONISTS, they held a Vertical View of the godhead as such
The Son inferior to the father and the holy spirit to the son.
That isnt the view the trinitarians hold today and took a few hundred years to thrash this out by NICAEA AND FINALIZE BY CONSTANTINOPLE.
So this fact is for certain, you folks are thus the herectics of your original church ideas of the minority religion in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, into the 4th.
Jesus would have been a terrible LORD AND SAVIOUR TO HID THAT, the Apostles as well.
Has anyone read IGNATIUS? He says nothing of three beings, persons, goblins or ghouls!
Now, the Catholics tried fooling everyone with lying fraudulent writings and pawning off as his, but they have lied, cheated, stolen, murdered for most of the last 2000 yrs.
LIGHTFOOT AND HARMER AND Holmes count the middle recension as the authentic and the Syriac abridged version a shorter of it.
Read how he speaks and who is his God, the same as what Origen spoke of.
This was the Monarchians, the same that Ignatius was said to be by Historian Virginia Corwin, and appears from his own words to be.
But those in total blatant false doctrines of the Catholicism and then as bad a doctrines as the reformers who follow Mother, cannot see the three god folly., see error throughout, but we MONARCHIANS, Apostolics, Apostolians, Oneness, and sometimes called Unitarians, Sabellians, Noetians, Praxeans , Anabaptists, etc, and etc. Have been against both camps, we have even been side by side with others, including some Trinitarians, who were not following either.