Joshua 10:12-14: Jesus commands Jehova


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The same Jesus who leads Israel to the promised land also commands Jehova.

1) Correcting for the mistranslation of the Hebrew name, Yeshua, from Jesus to Joshua,
2) equating the inner Joshua (Jesus) or salvation with the inner Holy Spirit, per Paul, and
3) allegorizing the subject passage for its spiritual meaning, because a literal meaning is impossible (the earth’s rotation could never stop without killing everything on the planet)

the subject passage likely signifies spirit commanding nature.

If one pays close attention to scripture, Jehova is associated with the descending sun and nature, whereas, Joshua is representing the Holy Spirit or Divine Mind controlling nature.

In Josh. x. 12 we come to the significant passage,
Then spake Joshua to” Iaou, “and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still.
For this is plainly equivalent to saying that the Sun and Iaou or Jehovah were one and the same.

This is still more clearly shown by verses 13, 14, where we read, “So the Sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it that” Iaou “
hearkened unto the voice of a man.” (“Our sun-God”, John Parsons)

The orthodoxy or literalists would have everyone believe that the earth’s rotation stopped for twenty-four hours without any negative consequences to the planet. Cool fairy tale but absurd as a historical possibility.

Do we throw it out or do we dig a little and apply critical thinking presuming the author had something to say about the underlying truth of our reality or nature? I vote the latter, and hold as the best explanation (until proven otherwise) that underlying nature is the spirit, aka, Joshua (Jesus), according to the types, who regulates it for a higher purpose, —not to kill Amorites, according to the literal meaning, but to preserve spiritual or true-seeing Israel who he will lead into the “promised land.”

This is just one of many examples where mythical stories contain an eternal meaning for growing a moral consciousness, growing piety, growing knowledge of the God (the El) and gods (elohim) influencing reality, by dramatizing spiritual truths for instruction.

It is not the literal meaning of scripture that is eternally true but its spiritual meaning, containing the archaic Wisdom, that will never pass away. Hence, the meaning of Matthew 5:18:

For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”

and Romans 7:12,

”the Law is holy,…For we know that the Law is spiritual”
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