Your claim about allowing the murder of abortion survivors on a gurney is an outlandish claim not supported by anything at all.
Yes, Trump separated kids and babies from their parents, and did not keep records as to where the kids and parents were sent, so hundreds still remain separated. A huge tragedy for those families.
Did you also complain about the 22 MILLION emails from the GWB WH that were destroyed by the outside server they used?
And seriously, why are you bringing up old news like the Steele Dossier and Hillary's emails and Hunter's laptop, when we have a critical election that does not hinge on any of those things. An election in which one candidate was just convicted on 34 felony counts and has been indicted on another 50 or so, has been found liable of sexual abuse and defamation and financial fraud as well as for running a fake university and fake charitable foundation. And has led a promiscuous, adulterous life while cheating employees, contractors, and investors. And constantly tells lies and gives nonsensical speeches. But somehow you support this man.