Katharine McPhee Speaking


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Jesus Christ gave me a dream where I saw the actress Katharine McPhee and she was sitting at a long table with other people on either side of her and she was talking about something on a microphone.

One distinct memory I have had of her was me and some other people from Jamaica went into a home apparently under the direction of someone, I don't know or remember the full story or why we were there, and she and two other people were searched thoroughly by persons within the group I was in, this group seemed to be made up of me and my former high school classmates that do not like me. No former classmate likes me but hate me.

One female, in particular, within this group, was searching Katharine McPhee person in a way that shocked me because of how invasive and how inappropriate the body search was. This particular female who did the search like this, is a former high school classmate that I have been trying to get along with, who has been gossiping about me, and who does not like me, in reality, but is being encouraged to be nice to me because of a mutual friend.
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