No you did not. You presented verses that, if you really strain, could possibly be interpreted to support the doctrine.
The first verse you citeds was Genesis 1:1 ("It actually starts in Genesis 1:1").
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Nothing about the trinity
at all. And yet this was what you led with?
It appears pretty clear that you're not actually interested in learning and thinking on biblical terms.
No, Steve. It is clear you are utterly unable to support your claim that the nature of the trinity is explained in the Bible.
It's true that the word trinity doesn't exist in the Bible.
And yet you want to pretend that the Bible explains the nature of the trinity!
Quite frankly, I've never once ever heard anyone say that it did, and I've been reading and studying the Bible for 46 years now.
So, that you're playing games with this demonstrates that you're not actually interested in understanding.
You just admitted the Bible does does include the word "trinity". I am not the one playing games here.
I earlier said:
Hmm, almost as though my biases and preconceptions are right. And yours are wrong.
To those who are ignorant and perishing, I'd agree.
You think the truth of a claim depends on who you are talking too?
No, Steve. You are wrong to Christians and atheists alike.
You had the Don Stewart article that details the Triune nature of YHVH. Apparently you've decided to reject it.
Because it does not say where in the Bible the nature of the trinity is explained.
This is not about what the doctrine of the trinity is. This is about whether the doctrine is made clear in the Bible. Whether the doctrine is Biblical, or was made up later.
This tells me a few things.
Perhaps you simply didn't bother reading it.
Looking at the Desiring God, Gospel Coalition sites, I find myself wondering if you ever bothered actually reading them.
I did. This is why I am confident saying that the nature of the trinity is not explained
in the Bible.
Did you read them? Can you quote the bit where they show the nature of the trinity is explained
in the Bible?
There's nothing in them that would contradict the biblical description of what and who YHVH is.
And nothing in them that supports your claim that the nature of the trinity is explained
in the Bible.
here's another article that is far more detailed in breaking down who YHVH is.
Robert Bowman, Jr. :: The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of the Trinity
But all it does is pull together verses from random books.
The Jews believe there is only one God - and Jesus is not a part of that - so naturally there are verses saying there is one God throughout the OT.
On the other hand, Christians came to think of Jesus as God in some way, so naturally there are verses in the NT that support that view. And many of the earliest Christians did
not believe that, and your article has to seriously twist the text to make it fit with their biases and preconceptions.
You have read the article, right? Tell me the scripture passage that best explains the nature of the trinity.
I am going to skip the self-righteous threats of hellfire as they are not relevant to the discussion.
Ever notice that even though the gospel of Jesus has been repeatedly explained to you that it is not a philosophical construct, you continue to treat it as such?
I am not sure what your point is here. What do you mean by "philosophical construct"? Are you saying that the gospels are not a guide to the fundamental nature of reality? That they are not a moral or ethical guide?
Ever notice that in spite of the fact that the gospel of Jesus has been repeatedly explained to be a matter of restoration, reconciliation of the broken relationship between you and YHVH, you only want it to be a philosophical construct, so you can disregard and dismiss it?
The issue is whether the gospels are
If they are, then you are right that they a matter of restoration, reconciliation of the broken relationship between us and YHVH. But if they are not true, then they are merely a historical curiousity.
So determining whether they are true would seem to be paramount.
assume they are because you were conditioned to as a kid. That is fine - it works for you. I was not conditioned to think that, so I need evidence they are true. And if Christianity is asserting the trinity despite it being non-Biblical, that would indicate to me that the trinity was invented by man, which in turn would make me question the rest of Christianity, including the gospels.
So... you want it to be a projection..... you go right ahead. You enjoy your self-destructive dedication to your own misery, agony, anguish and torment.
Back to the threats of hellfire.
So, if you're looking for a single verse that states- this is the biblical description of the Trinity.... nobody ever said there was one.
But you did say "
40 different authors, over the course of 1600 years. It's quite interesting that they have a single coherent message from YHVH." Why does that coherent message from YHVH not include the trinity, if Christianity is right about it?
And indeed you claim the nature of the trinity is describe throughout the Bible in your next sentence.
the Triune nature of YHVH is described throughout the entire Bible.
So quote the verses.
That you cannot, after several posts, shows you cannot.
This of course means that you actually have to read, learn and understand.
No, Steve. It means the nature of the trinity is not in the Bible.
I'm not the one who believes that he's achieved full knowledge of God and somehow disproven Him.
And nor am I. So what is your point?
It's like my warning you that you're driving into a wall at 100 mph, and unless you stop, and turn away, it's going to destroy you.
No, Steve.
It is like I am driving down the road and someone else in the car who is have a drug flashback, and sees a brick wall across the road. There is no brick wall, it is just a delusion, but he is utterly convinced it is there. I am trying to point out the stupidity of his claim - like why would someone build a wall across the road, why is it not in the news, how come other cars go straight through it - but he keeps insisting, and every time his argument fails, rather than admit it, he just keeps ranting about how I will die when I hit this imaginary wall.
Oh, and he loves and worships the guy who built the wall that he assures me will kill so many people.