Martin Luther and false doctrine on infant baptism.

Your anecdotes are hilarious! Now whatever you do, don't let the truth get in the way of good fable.
Not my anectdotes though the book of Jeremiah. Or do you need a lutherist headmaster to spoon feed you their denominationally biased false interpretation of scripture?

Won’t be so hilarious when it comes time for you to pay the piper. You will see how worthless that water baptism truly is. I guarantee that.
Not my anectdotes though the book of Jeremiah. Or do you need a lutherist headmaster to spoon feed you their denominationally biased false interpretation of scripture?

Won’t be so hilarious when it comes time for you to pay the piper. You will see how worthless that water baptism truly is. I guarantee that.
I have asked you repeatedly how do you norm (interpret) scripture and you turn to mocking as an apparent defense to that question, buddy.
People go to hell for unbelief.
When I die, my answer for believing these things about the forgiveness of sins, is due to his written revelation. I have yet to hear anything over and against the forgiveness of sins superior to what the face value of the scriptures proclaim.
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Same for the lutherist religion. Errors and storytelling.

Actually, much of what I have said here comes straight from the mouths of wiccans, who hold many of the same doctrines your religion does. They just call your ‘Mary’ Inanna..and they sprinkle their babies at home rather than at a religious building. Other than that, many other similarities..ever wonder why wiccans love Easter and Christmas so much? Different names but same false god(s) being lifted up.
A heads up, turning to Wiccans is never a good idea when attempting to interpret scripture.
My claims are based on comparing scripture, with the manmade religious system and the fact that the two are rarely in agreement. And the similarities between churchianity and ancient pagan religions (over-glorification of water baptism anyone? MITHRAISM!!)

Who was, and was not born on Dec. 25? Where did SUNday worship come from? None of that and many other aspects of the manmade religious system are found nowhere in scripture but rather, pagan solar deity and lunar goddess worship. The latter is your ‘Mary’.
Those are simply illogical and false conclusions. For example, the comparison of two different religions isn't illogical, but to conclude that the recent religion, Mithraism, influenced the older religion, Christianity, is illogical and demonstrably false, especially when a person picks and chooses which topics to the exclusion of other topics, to claim influenced the older religion.

Did you forget to post the foolish claim that Mithraism influenced the Christian Scriptures testimony regarding Christ? If you didn't forget then why didn't you post it as well?

The foolishness of people trying to impugn the witness of Scripture on any topic with references to Mithraism is debunked in more detail than will fit in a post here.

(There is also a series of podcasts on Answering Arguments Against Christianity here.)

A simple bottom line was provided by Peter. “16. For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 17. For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, “This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased”-- 18. and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. 19. So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 20. But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation,” (2 Peter 1:16-20, NASB)

Unless you mean to say that Peter and the Scriptures lie then it follows that baptism does now save us through the resurrection of Christ, 1 Peter 3:21-22.
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A heads up, turning to Wiccans is never a good idea when attempting to interpret scripture.
Indeed. Especially since the poster has admitted that he has never been to one of our church services, which means, not at Christmas or Easter, so that poster is ignorant of what goes on in our services. Had he done so, he would have seen that Christ Jesus is the focus of both services, both in His birth and why His birth is so important to us, and in His glorious resurrection and what it means for us, too. In fact, these church services are SATURATED with the worship of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and with thanksgiving for His infinite mercy towards us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Indeed. Especially since the poster has admitted that he has never been to one of our church services, which means, not at Christmas or Easter, so that poster is ignorant of what goes on in our services. Had he done so, he would have seen that Christ Jesus is the focus of both services, both in His birth and why His birth is so important to us, and in His glorious resurrection and what it means for us, too. In fact, these church services are SATURATED with the worship of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and with thanksgiving for His infinite mercy towards us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ja, they are just like Scripture from Genesis through Revelation.
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Hi Beej--who is like Scripture from Genesis through Revelation? Our church services?
Yes, as you wrote, "In fact, these church services are SATURATED with the worship of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and with thanksgiving for His infinite mercy towards us in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Woohoo! Praise the LORD! 😊
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Yes, as you wrote, "In fact, these church services are SATURATED with the worship of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and with thanksgiving for His infinite mercy towards us in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Woohoo! Praise the LORD! 😊
You mean our church services?
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No one knows the exact date when Jesus died, except it was in spring right after Passover and on the Friday before the Sabbath.
How do you account for the lack of a 3rd night with a 6th day of the week crucifixion/1st day of the week resurrection?
How do you account for the lack of a 3rd night with a 6th day of the week crucifixion/1st day of the week resurrection?
I think you understand the words differently from the first followers of Jesus. They had no issue with it.
Since the disagreement is so broad it seems to me that a reasonable suggestion is to recommend reading. The Bible In An Hour, by Wade Butler. It really does only take an hour. A person can read it for free at the link above or download it for a nominal fee

Wade Butler is a former Baptist minister who became a Lutheran Pastor and subsequently a missionary in Africa.