name one other authority that is as authoritative as words of God

that wasn't the OP

this was:
please name one other authority that is as authoritative as words of God
Well, the Roman Catholic Church teaches in their RCC Catechism, when asked: "Where do we find the truths revealed by God?" The official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church answers this question thusly: "We find the truths revealed by God in Sacred Scripture AND Sacred Tradition. Both Sacred Scripture AND Sacred Tradition are the inspired word of God, and both are forms of divine revelation. Sacred Scripture is divinely inspired writing, where as Sacred Tradition is the unwritten word of inspired persons. All this though, is strictly according only to the unbiblical Roman Catholic Church's teachings.
Yeah, it seems all cult leaders are inspired. They all receive revelations directly from God. And all those revelations contradict scripture. They can't trust scripture anymore cause it is no longer inerrant. It's all corrupted OR the cult mushrooms are not to try to interpret scripture cause they are not AUTHORIZED to do so. And they all have their own versions of scripture or extra inspired material that trumps scripture. The moslems, mormons, jws, sda, rcc, and a host of others follow the same pattern.