No Benefit to Taking Ivermectin for COVID-19 Symptoms

Should I post a few articles where studies show that Ivermectin does work?

The highly dishonest part of the Duke study the op is NOT sharp enough to grasp is Ivermectin assists in transport of zinc thru the bilayer cell membrane.
I didn't notice mention of zinc.

I read a case in south America, and many got sick. Digging deeper, the dosages were very high.

The Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Dr Haruo Ozaki , recommends Ivermectin for use with Covid patients.He notes that the parts of Africa that use ivermectin to control parasites have a Covid death rate of 2.2 per 100,000 population, as compared to 13 times that death rate among African countries that do not use ivermectin.
Big Pharm gets billions from NIH. USA and they don't give kickbacks to other countries.