Note to all posters....

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Staff member
Unbelievers are not allowed to debate on the theology boards. Unbelievers, atheists, agnostics are limited to posting on the secular boards only, per CARM rules.

  1. Regular Users/meaning not Atheist/ that attempt to interfere with Christian evangelism, like, Christians/arguing with Christians on Secular or Cult, Religion forums, will be suspended or directed to the appropriate board. If two Christians want to debate each other, do not do so on the Mormon/JW/cult/RC forums but use the cult/religion forums to debate the cultists/not the other Christians. Please stick to the forum’s topic, debating those defending the religion they are promoting on that forum. Posters seeking to debate Evangelical Christians should take their discussions or questions to the appropriate forum, apologetics/etc. Atheists/Agnostics/Secularists or those continuing to debate Evangelicals on the inappropriate forums will be assigned to the ATH/AGN/Secular forums as a Secular Member. Secular Members are permitted to debate Christians on Secular Forums. (edit to add for understanding, the rule is that Cultists/other Religions may debate Christians on their forum topic, the group represented on the forum they are posting for debate, but if wanting to disagree with other Christians in a debate, Christians should take that to APO or other forums.)
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