Notes On The Bridegroom Company By George Hawtin


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Notes On The Bridegroom Company By George Hawtin
Here are some note that I made from Geo. Hawtin on this subject. You are welcome o sort through them. This is the man-child company spoken of in Rev. 12. These are they who are to be caught up to
God and to His throne and who will have the privilege of perfecting the woman in the wilderness and of
bringing her forth purified, leaning on the arm of her beloved.
They are so completely sons of God, so
completely like Him, so completely born of Him, so completely of His mind and will and purpose that their one
difference is that He (the blessed Jesus) is the eldest in that vast family of sons, Rom. 8:29. He is the head of
the body of sons and they with Him are the bridegroom, the last Adam in all His completeness.
It is a source of wonder to me that very, very few Christians can see any difference at all between the church
and the manifested sons of God. But there is a vast difference, and I pray God will give us all help as we think
about it now, for without His help and revelation we cannot hope to understand. In any marriage there are two
bodies. There is one body of the man or bridegroom and another body of the woman or bride. The body of the
man is a complete body in itself without the woman, having head, shoulders, torso, legs, and feet with every
ligament, bone, and muscle. That body has its own head, its own body, and its own feet. This same thing is
also true of the woman. She has her own head, her own body, and her own feet. But when the man and the
woman are united in marriage, the man, the whole man, becomes the head of the woman, and the woman,
becomes the body of the man. Thus also it is with Christ and the church. We must understand that the sons of
God and the church are two distinct companies, the sons of God being the body of the bridegroom and the true
church being the body of the bride. When both are complete and perfect they will become one. It is about this
very thing that Paul speaks in Ephesians 5. "This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the
There is a company being formed whose members
are members of Christ, and sons of God, begotten of God, perfected through suffering, cleansed by His blood,
made in His image, and members of the bridegroom. I cannot help but pause again to pray that God will give
you the Spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being
enlightened that you might know what is the hope of His calling. Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, was
formed in the womb of an imperfect virgin. So now in like manner the vast family of sons is coming to
perfection in the womb of another imperfect virgin. That is the existing church, torn by strife and division and
carnality, held captive in Babylon and taxed by the dominion of a foreign power
It was natural that John should turn around to look for the one who spoke, and looking he saw the Christ, the
Son of the living God, but was it He? Was it the Christ of long ago? John declared it was "one like the Son of
man." Very, very like Him. The exact image of Him. There He stood at the end of the age in all His glorious
completeness as if to say, "Here am I and the children which God has given Me," (Heb. 2:13), Christ, the first
Son, and all the younger sons now perfected in His image standing with Him, one glorious and perfect
bridegroom. His head and His hair were white like wool, as white as snow. His eyes were as a flame of fire,
and His feet, His glorious feet, like brass as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice was as the sound of
many waters. Out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and His countenance was as the sun shining in
its strength. And when John saw Him, he fell at His feet as dead. Oh, the glory of the message that came forth
from the lips of the Christ as He took John by the hand to raise him up! "Fear not, I am the first and the last."
John had seen Him before and had known him as the first, but never had he seen the glorious end of the
matter, Christ as He is at last. There before him stood the One who was dead and was now alive forevermore.
The One with the keys of both death and hell. When the blessed Christ rose from the dead two thousand years
ago. He led forth from hell a host of captives, but now at the end of the time He stands holding the keys that
unlock the gates of both hell and death. No wonder He once said, "On this rock I build My church and the
gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
n my spirit I hear the weeping voice of Jeremiah come ringing down the centuries saying to us at the end of
this age, "The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the
work of the hands of the potter." Lam. 4:2. But the full glory of the revelation was left for John to see, and when
he saw it, he fell down as dead at the feet of that glorious seed of the woman, that glorious Christ, that
complete Christ, the head, the body, the hands, and the feet - the seed of the woman that was promised to Eve
long ago now ready to fulfill all that was promised in destroying forever from the face of the universe every
work of the serpent. It was left for the beloved John to witness the final phase of the complete birth of that Son
who is to rule the nations with a rod of iron. Thus in Rev. 12 we read that he saw a spiritual virgin bringing forth
a man child, not a male child as some say, but a wonder never before known; a child that is a fully developed
man at birth. Even Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man because He was born of a
human and an imperfect mother though He was the Son of God. But this child is born of a spiritual woman and
so is born a man-child. This is the Son who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron. This is the final company of
the sons of God, the feet members of the body of Christ who are to rule all nations with a rod of iron and finally
put their heel on Satan's head to destroy his power in the whole universe.