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Philippians 2.6-7 show "the Son" going from preincarnate to incarnate.
So the preincarnate Son of God Who did not consider equality with God A THING TO CLING TO, BUT RATHER (the preincarnate Son) made Himself of no reputation by becoming "taking the form of a servant and being born in the likeness of men" (i.e. by becoming the incarnate Son of God).
TRINITARIANS, just to clarify your view…
Which statement is true?
A) When the preincarnate Son of God became the incarnate Son of God, “the Son” was going from preincarnate to incarnate.
B) When the preincarnate Son of God became the incarnate Son of God, “the Son” was going from preincarnate to incarnate WHILE ALSO REMAINING non-incarnate.
In other words, is there still a distinction between the non-incarnate Son of God and the incarnate Son of God?
I believe… When Yahweh became incarnate as the Son of God, Yahweh was going from preincarnate to incarnate WHILE ALSO REMAINING non-incarnate.
In other words, YES there is still a distinction between non-incarnate Yahweh (eternal God) and Yahweh incarnate (the Son of God).
Here is a summary of what I believe…
The Lord Yahweh God Almighty is both transcendent and immanent. The name “God the Father” refers to Yahweh transcendent as Spirit, the name “the Spirit of God” refers to Yahweh immanent as Spirit, and the name “the Son of God” refers to Yahweh incarnate as Man.