Truth wasn't needed until these last days. All up to this point died and paid the wages of sin, They cannot rejudged for them. Now one must have truth to be accepted by God-John 4:22-24 and be brought through what is coming to this earth. No convenience involved-Gods will taking place is what occurs. The great apostasy(son of destruction)2 Thess 2:3)= the religion that came out of Rome stood up back then after the followers were murdered off. The religion was murdered off as well until these last days. The protestants did not fix the altered bibles and translation errors. Some tried but weren't accepted. 2 of the greatest atrocities ever=The removal of Gods name in over 7000 places and the error of a capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1- misleading billions to not enter Gods kingdom.How convenient that your church discovered them! However, I can't see that Jesus being an angel named Michael was the kind of "secret" that God would have kept hidden.