Translation: you have no witnesses and you are making this up as you go.
Then let me rephrase: John was a witness to the fact that Mary is in heaven body and soul.
No he isn't. He never claimed any such thing....and that is why it would still take
centuries for the Assumption to "develop."
What IS clear is that he saw Mary in heaven body and soul in his vision.
Mary gave birth in Heaven?
Mary was in terrible labor pains in Heaven?
Oh wait....your sect's dogma is that Mary did not experience any labor pains at all.
Funny how that works, right?
Church teaching following the teaching of Revelation 12 is THAT Mary was assumed into heaven.
The early church had the Apostles AND Revelation....and they did not see what you magically see.
Neither Scripture or the early church record and such event. Actually, just the opposite as the church fathers record that they do not know what happened to Mary.
Well, yeah they did: the Scripture in Revelation 12 records that Mary is in heaven body and soul.
- Mary is nowhere mentioned beyond Acts 2.
- Mary is nowhere mentioned in Revelation.
- No one is mentioned to be "bodily" in Heaven in Revelation 12.
- The early church never got that memo.
- In actual fact, the testimony of the early church is that
no one knows what happened to Mary.
Your myth was so important, no one ever heard of it. LOL!
Why would we expect the Church fathers to be worrying about Mary, the IC and the assumption when they had far bigger fish to fry?
They had time to write about and teach on just about everything else!
They mentioned Mary many times....and they still did not mention she was resurrected before the Church. THAT is how "important" your late arriving novel false doctrine was.
I thought you RC apologists always say that a dogma is not defined until it is challenged.
The Church only defines things when it becomes necessary. This usually happens becasue of some controversy that affects the unity of the Church.
There are two exceptions to this rule: the IC and the assumption, both defined by the pope. In both of these cases, the faithful at large requested the definition because it was clear that the Church believes these things.
Dogma by popular opinion!
In other words: the Church does not believe the IC and assumption of Mary becasue the pope said so, rather, the pope says so----because the Church believes them.
If Catholics all already believed it, your sect would not have to threaten you with Hell forever if you deny it.
As you testify, that is not so. You guys just make up new dogmas when you want them.
Well, even if this were the case, how is it any different from Protestants and their constant moving targets with regard to Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide?
They have not changed since the terms were first coined.
Funny that the Holy Spirit thought your myth was so vital for Christians to believe....even "necessary"...that He made sure not to reveal it until almost 2 millenia after the Apostles!
It was revealed with the apostles.
Any lie like that is easy to post. It comes second nature to Catholics.
The problem remains that the Apostles did not teach it. The churches they planted did not teach it either. It would take centuries to "develop" what you say was revealed by the Apostles.
The Church as a whole didn't become fully conscious of this fact until the times when the doctrines were defined.
A dogma lost to the sands of time! It was believed by the Church so thoroughly, that they did not even know it!
Hilarious, romish! Keep them coming.
What difference does it make WHEN a doctrine is defined anyway?
If on Oct 31 you can believe whatever you want about a claim....but on Nov 1 you have to believe that claim is true as "necessary for salvation"...then that is clear proof it is a lie that the Apostles did not teach.
The full equality of Christ with the Father wasn't defined until 325AD. You aren't bothered by that!
Jesus was always God. Christians always believed Jesus is God.
The record clearly shows that the Apostles taught that Jesus is God.
They record clearly shows that the churches the Apostles planted all taught that Jesus is God.
What anyone "defined" hundreds of years after the Apostles matters not one bit.