Starting a thread on the Lord's Supper for Catholics to read...

I was referring to bread being prayed over at my home -- you said it would become His body [The Eucharist]. Do we [all] have that ability? Thanks
Hi Arch, I'll take a stab at it. I don't know if I have an official or right understanding here, but in the proper order of things, the pastor preaches, baptizes and officiates over the Lord Supper as he properly ordained to do by God's gifting of service in that capacity. Before I say anything else, the preached gospel for absolution of sins, baptism for the forgiveness of sins and the Lord's Supper for the remission of sins is the same theme and exact message in different modes of packaging.
These rites and actions don't forbid a non-pastor from doing the same, but it wouldn't be a Mass. Lutherans believe in an orderly service so that would be understood as the pastor performing these tasks in preferred and orderly way. Yet, I preach the gospel so that the hearers may be moved to repentance and reconciliation for the forgiveness of sins and or encouraged and built up in their faith; no pastor necessary. But then again the setting isn't the Divine Service/Mass. I would also baptize for the forgiveness of sins if deemed necessary. The gospel apart from the pastor offers the absolution of sins [yet Catholics deny this forgiveness for their sins apart from their rite of reconciliation]. The reason why I mention these things is that Lutherans understand that the word of God is effective in the department of the forgiveness of sins. Lutherans don't put stock or shouldn't (imo) in their pastor to do something for these acts to be valid and true because they carry the weight, authority of God and his word where these events are performed and embraced. The Lord's Supper is the Lord's Supper because of faith in the word of God doing what it says it can do. Negative example where the eucharist is invalid is where the officiate doesn't believe the right and true doctrine of the Eucharist even though some or more members of the intended recipients may. I'm not sure if that answers your question but that's about as thorough of an answer I feel like putting out there. Maybe some others and their input would be welcomed, can correct, tweak, blast or endorse some or more of what I offer here Thanks for your replies and participation here as with the others present and reading along.

So true -- Christ established one Church and His ministerial priesthood continues through the laying on of hands.
The laying on of hands is a fine practice. What's dubious in the Roman Catholic notion is some sort of succession. Assemblies are to call their own pastors.

The laying on of hands is a fine practice. What's dubious in the Roman Catholic notion is some sort of succession. Assemblies are to call their own pastors.

The important thing to remember is [my signature]. That way, we won't get mixed messages from the HS.

The laying on of hands is a fine practice. What's dubious in the Roman Catholic notion is some sort of succession. Assemblies are to call their own pastors.

Yup. Catholics can't even assure you that their priests are even Catholic in the first place, much less everyone of them going back 2 thousand years.

The important thing to remember is [my signature]. That way, we won't get mixed messages from the HS.

Despite my preferences set to view signatures, I can't see anyones.? So perhaps you can clarify in more explicit terms what your signature says? Thank you.
I guess you are free to assert anything, that's often the case where theology is concerned with all of us, sometimes called opinions. One elephant in a room is where popes and councils have contradicted each other. In the RC mind as long as they [presumably] get something right even if the error or heresy lasts for decades, centuries or millennia previously. May God have mercy on all those who died while believing the soup du jour error or heresy of the day. Blood on your church's hands, maybe? I hardly call that any sort of guarantee that your RC church isn't promoting error in any order of magnitude ar any time.
Yup. Catholics can't even assure you that their priests are even Catholic in the first place, much less everyone of them going back 2 thousand years.

We has others post a bottleneck where everyone that was "calid" had to pass through one individual. And we are talking around the time of the reformation.