The Antichrist is a Muslim


New Member
Many think the Antichrist (Rev 13:11) will be a European or a Jew. But this is wrong. The Antichrist will not be a European or a Jew, he will be a Muslim.

How do I know that the Antichrist will be a Muslim? To find out what the Antichrist will be, we must first know what the kingdom of the Antichrist is.

According to Daniel 7:8, the Antichrist will come out of the fourth beast. So, to find out what the Antichrist will be we must know what the kingdom of the fourth beast is. The four beasts are the four kingdoms. The four beasts are another way of describing the four metals of Daniel 2. So the four metals describe the same four kingdoms as the four beasts. These four metals/beasts appear in Revelation 13, but the four beasts are combined into one beast. In Revelation 13, a beast from the sea is described that has the appearance of a lion, bear and leopard and has 7 heads and 10 horns. This beast is the combination of the 4 beasts of Daniel 7, because if you add up the 4 beasts of Daniel 7, you get exactly 7 heads and 10 horns.

The first beast, the lion, has 1 head, the second beast, the bear, has 1 head, the third beast, the leopard, has 4 heads, and the fourth beast has 1 head and 10 horns. So in total, like the beast from the sea of Revelation 13, the 4 beasts have 7 heads and 10 horns, but the 10 horns are all on one head, the seventh head (Daniel 7:7).

Who is the first kingdom, the first beast/metal? Thank God the Bible gives us the answer, the first kingdom is the Neo-Babylonian Empire, see Daniel 2:38, so it is not Mizraim/Egypt as some think. The Bible also identifies for us the kingdom of the fourth head of the third beast. The fourth head of the third beast is logically the sixth head of the beast from Revelation 13. The four heads of the third beast are four different empires but have the same language, which is why they are all on one beast. The sixth head of the beast from Revelation 13/the fourth head of the third beast is the Roman Empire, see Revelation 17:10. Five have fallen, the one is there. The one that existed at the time of John was the Roman Empire. Since the Roman Empire is the sixth head, and thus belongs to the third beast, it cannot be the fourth beast!

Okay, we know that the first empire, the first head of the first beast, the first metal, the gold, is the Neo-Babylonian empire and we know that the sixth empire, the fourth head of the third beast, which belongs to the third metal, the bronze, is the Roman empire.

This is a very big help, because now we can very easily find out which 4 empires ruled between these two empires and conquered Israel. Israel plays an important role here, all empires had to have possessed Israel. The four empires that can be shown to have ruled chronologically between these two empires and conquered Israel were the Achaemenid Empire, the Macedonian Empire, the Ptolemaic Empire and the Seleucid Empire.

In summary:
  1. Neo-Babylon (Lion/Gold) /Akkadian
  2. Achaemenid (Bear/Silver) /Persian
  3. Alexander's Macedonia (Leopard, 1st head/Bronze) /Greek
  4. Ptolemaic (Leopard, 2nd head/Bronze) /Greek
  5. Seleucid (Leopard, 3rd head/Bronze) /Greek
  6. Roman (Leopard, 4th head/Bronze) /Greek
You can see that the three beasts had three different languages. That's why the four heads of the third beast are on the same beast, because they have the same language, the Greek language. Macedonian, Ptolemaic, Seleucid and Roman spoke all Greek. All four also had the same culture.

To find out who the 7th kingdom is, we must consider the 2 requirements it must have:
  1. It must have destroyed the previous beast. The 1st beast was destroyed by the 2nd beast, the 2nd beast was destroyed by the 3rd beast. So the 4th beast must have destroyed the 3rd beast.
  2. It must have conquered Israel after the Romans. All six conquered Israel chronologically, that means the 7th must have done so as well.
With these 2 requirements, only 1 candidate remains:

7. Islamic empire (4th beast/iron) /Arabic​

Reason: The Islamic Empire was next after the Romans who conquered Israel in 636-638 and destroyed the Roman Empire (the 3rd beast) in 1453. The Islamic empire disintegrated and divided. Thus, what was prophesied in the Book of Revelation has been fulfilled: "The 7th head will suffer a severe wound" (Rev 13:3). But this is not the end of the 7th head, because Revelation says it will be healed and return:

8. Revived Islamic Empire (4th beast with 10 horns/Iron and clay) /Arabic

Since the fourth beast is Islam, the Antichrist must be a Muslim.

In fact, there are even two parallels between the Antichrist and the Islamic Messiah:

First parallel
The Islamic Prophet Muhammad said in Sahih Bukhari that when the Islamic Messiah appears, he will abolish the jizya and kill all non-Muslims. The jizya is the protective tax for Christians. In an Islamic state, Christians are allowed to live if they pay this protective tax. At the end of time, however, it will be abolished by the Islamic Messiah, leaving Christians with only the choice of accepting Islam or dying. This reminds of the Antichrist, who will kill anyone who refuses to accept the 666. Revelation even explicitly mentions that Christians will be persecuted and killed by the Antichrist (Rev 20:4).

Second parallel
The Islamic Prophet Muhammad said in Sahih Bukhari that at the end of time the Jws will be wiped out. The Jws will hide behind stones, but even the stones will speak and say, "O Muslim, a Jw is hiding behind me, come and kill him!" It illustrates that even creation hates the Jws. This reminds of the Antichrist, because according to Rev 17:16-17, the Antichrist will totally destroy Babylon the Great. Israel is Babylon the Great.
Many think the Antichrist (Rev 13:11) will be a European or a Jew. But this is wrong. The Antichrist will not be a European or a Jew, he will be a Muslim.

How do I know that the Antichrist will be a Muslim? To find out what the Antichrist will be, we must first know what the kingdom of the Antichrist is.

According to Daniel 7:8, the Antichrist will come out of the fourth beast. So, to find out what the Antichrist will be we must know what the kingdom of the fourth beast is. The four beasts are the four kingdoms. The four beasts are another way of describing the four metals of Daniel 2. So the four metals describe the same four kingdoms as the four beasts. These four metals/beasts appear in Revelation 13, but the four beasts are combined into one beast. In Revelation 13, a beast from the sea is described that has the appearance of a lion, bear and leopard and has 7 heads and 10 horns. This beast is the combination of the 4 beasts of Daniel 7, because if you add up the 4 beasts of Daniel 7, you get exactly 7 heads and 10 horns.
First you are correct that the 4 beasts of Daniel 7 are incorporated into the single Beast of Revelation 13 but what you are doing wrong here, is that you are making more out of the 7 heads than what they are symbolic of, you are over literalizing the meaning as that they have to refer to a literal 7 Kingdoms.

The number 7 used here only refers to the individual governments through the ages from beginning to the end and represented by the number 7 right up until Jesus returns and destroys the beast, so it is unecessary and wrong for us to worry about who they are here but only that the one who was in power when John wrote this was Rome.

It is therefore not even important to try to determine who they all are even though of course Babylon, Media Persia, Greese and Rome would belong to this.

Therefore only the 6th and 7th Kingdom is the most important for us to be aware of here.

So then 5 are fallen and one is and which was Rome as the 6th and the 7th has not yet come and which refer to all the nations by the symbolic number of 10 and under the control of the beast from the bottomless pit which refers to the spirit of antichrist.

Now also, the antichrist itself is a false spirit of the true Christ of the Bible and it is not actually referring to the man of sin but it is referring to the spirit by which he operates and Paul makes it very clear that he will arise out of the NT Temple of God which is the Church that will be removed from God through the apostasy.

Notice in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, that Paul speaks of "that which restrained at that present time and also he who restrained at that present time" and it is obvious that that which restrained was the truth and he who restrained was the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit.

Now then, the apostasy would remove the truth first and then when the truth would be removed through the apostasy, the Holy Spirit would then be removed by God and you will notice that when it says, "only he who restrains will continue until he is taken (ginomai= Middle deponet active voice verb) out of the midst.

That active voice verb "taken" means that the God's Holy Spirit will be removed by God's own will because the churches would no longer listen to God's correction given by his Holy Spirit unto them.

You like many others need to understand that Paul would never speak of the Temple of God in a future application as he was speaking of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, to be referring to that OT building made by the hands of men, for he would speak of that temple only if he was speaking of it in the past tense but never in the future tense.

Furthermore, while you have many false prophets of today insisting that the apostasy refers to something other than a falling away from the truth by the church (NT Temple), the fact is, that apostasy can only be committed by those who were once enlightened by the truth of God and have turned away from it.

Therefore neither America nor any other worldly governments established by men have ever committed apostasy but only those who claim to be believers and part of the church and who do not hold to the truth of God in the scriptures even though they read the scriptures and therefore have been enlightened in that sense by the Truth .

In other words, the apostasy that Paul is speaking of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 can only be committed by those who have been enlightened and have come very close to the truth but have neverless rejected it for false doctrines and therefore they are without excuse.

So while you want to worry about who the antichrist is or the man of sin, you shouldn't be looking for him to arise from any specific country but from the mainstream churches that are presently in apostasy from the truth.

That being said, who did they vote for in the last election and who are they going to support once again while knowing full well of his arrogant sociopathic natures and autocratic disposition?

Did this man arise out of the apostate church?

Well, he very clearly revealed that he was a disciple of Norman Vincent Peal and he also would never have been elected President the first time around if the church didn't go out to the poles in great numbers and vote for him.

So let me also remind you of what Paul also said in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and speaking of those who reject the truth in place of a lie, for here is what he said below.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 "For this reason, God will send them (those belonging to the apostate church) strong delusion that they should believe a lie and that they all might be damned who love not the truth but take pleasure in that which is not right".

On that note, I rest my case
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Many think the Antichrist (Rev 13:11) will be a European or a Jew. But this is wrong. The Antichrist will not be a European or a Jew, he will be a Muslim.

How do I know that the Antichrist will be a Muslim? To find out what the Antichrist will be, we must first know what the kingdom of the Antichrist is.

Many think the Antichrist (Rev 13:11) will be a European or a Jew. But this is wrong. The Antichrist will not be a European or a Jew, he will be a Muslim.
How do I know that the Antichrist will be a Muslim? To find out what the Antichrist will be, we must first know what the kingdom of the Antichrist is.
================================ end quote

. a Muslim
Pure hookey;
have you never read
2 John 2:18​
and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come,​
even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.​
19 They (antichrists) went out from us,​
but they antichrists were not of us;​
for if they antichrists had been of us,​
they antichrists would no doubt have continued with us:​
but they (antichrists) went out,​
that they (antichrists) might be made manifest​
that they (antichrists) were not all of us.​
Acts 15:24
Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us
have troubled you with words, subverting your souls,
Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law:
to whom we gave no such commandment:
and how thou canst not bear them which are evil:
and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles,
and are not, and hast found them liars:

Jude 1:4
For there are certain men crept in unawares,
who were before of old ordained to this condemnation,
ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,
and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha,
and the cities about them in like manner,
giving themselves over to fornication,
and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example,
suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain,
and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward,
and perished in the gainsaying of Core.

I believe the second beast is the United States armed forces.It is sent to Israel to protect the Israeli people and it's government.It will kill anyone who opposes it or attempts to hurt them for 42 months.It will be commanded by two witnesses who utter fire to destroy their enemies.
The Antichrist will not be a European or a Jew, he will be a Muslim.

Nope. The Antichrist comes in place of Jesus and will be accepted by Jews as their "messiah". So he can only be Jewish. Not a Muslim.

If you really think the Jews will accept a Muslim as their Messiah, you're delusional.
Nope. The Antichrist comes in place of Jesus and will be accepted by Jews as their "messiah". So he can only be Jewish. Not a Muslim.

If you really think the Jews will accept a Muslim as their Messiah, you're delusional.
The Jews chose Benjamin's netanyahu as head of Israel.According to netanyahu ,he wants everyone in Israel to receive microchips.He wants then in the children first.But he must pass legislation so that this can be done.He will have to change the laws in Israel first.
First you are correct that the 4 beasts of Daniel 7 are incorporated into the single Beast of Revelation 13 but what you are doing wrong here, is that you are making more out of the 7 heads than what they are symbolic of, you are over literalizing the meaning as that they have to refer to a literal 7 Kingdoms.

The number 7 used here only refers to the individual governments through the ages from beginning to the end and represented by the number 7 right up until Jesus returns and destroys the beast, so it is unecessary and wrong for us to worry about who they are here but only that the one who was in power when John wrote this was Rome.

It is therefore not even important to try to determine who they all are even though of course Babylon, Media Persia, Greese and Rome would belong to this.

Therefore only the 6th and 7th Kingdom is the most important for us to be aware of here.

So then 5 are fallen and one is and which was Rome as the 6th and the 7th has not yet come and which refer to all the nations by the symbolic number of 10 and under the control of the beast from the bottomless pit which refers to the spirit of antichrist.

Now also, the antichrist itself is a false spirit of the true Christ of the Bible and it is not actually referring to the man of sin but it is referring to the spirit by which he operates and Paul makes it very clear that he will arise out of the NT Temple of God which is the Church that will be removed from God through the apostasy.

Notice in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, that Paul speaks of "that which restrained at that present time and also he who restrained at that present time" and it is obvious that that which restrained was the truth and he who restrained was the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit.

Now then, the apostasy would remove the truth first and then when the truth would be removed through the apostasy, the Holy Spirit would then be removed by God and you will notice that when it says, "only he who restrains will continue until he is taken (ginomai= Middle deponet active voice verb) out of the midst.

That active voice verb "taken" means that the God's Holy Spirit will be removed by God's own will because the churches would no longer listen to God's correction given by his Holy Spirit unto them.

You like many others need to understand that Paul would never speak of the Temple of God in a future application as he was speaking of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, to be referring to that OT building made by the hands of men, for he would speak of that temple only if he was speaking of it in the past tense but never in the future tense.

Furthermore, while you have many false prophets of today insisting that the apostasy refers to something other than a falling away from the truth by the church (NT Temple), the fact is, that apostasy can only be committed by those who were once enlightened by the truth of God and have turned away from it.

Therefore neither America nor any other worldly governments established by men have ever committed apostasy but only those who claim to be believers and part of the church and who do not hold to the truth of God in the scriptures even though they read the scriptures and therefore have been enlightened in that sense by the Truth .

In other words, the apostasy that Paul is speaking of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 can only be committed by those who have been enlightened and have come very close to the truth but have neverless rejected it for false doctrines and therefore they are without excuse.

So while you want to worry about who the antichrist is or the man of sin, you shouldn't be looking for him to arise from any specific country but from the mainstream churches that are presently in apostasy from the truth.

That being said, who did they vote for in the last election and who are they going to support once again while knowing full well of his arrogant sociopathic natures and autocratic disposition?

Did this man arise out of the apostate church?

Well, he very clearly revealed that he was a disciple of Norman Vincent Peal and he also would never have been elected President the first time around if the church didn't go out to the poles in great numbers and vote for him.

So let me also remind you of what Paul also said in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and speaking of those who reject the truth in place of a lie, for here is what he said below.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 "For this reason, God will send them (those belonging to the apostate church) strong delusion that they should believe a lie and that they all might be damned who love not the truth but take pleasure in that which is not right".

On that note, I rest my case
Don't talk like that about those who voted for Biden.
Don't talk like that about those who voted for Biden.
Like I said before and will again, the Bible clearly reveals that it isn't the business of the church to be voting in the first place but Trump reveals right out of his own mouth that he is an extreme arrogant narsisist sociopathic autocratic personality and which could become much more dangerous to our freedom then if our country went to socialism.

Furthermore, my purpose here is to reveal this because anyone who gives their support for somone like him will indeed be guilty with him in his arrogance and evil deeds for supporting him.

For Jesus clearly told us not to cast our pearls before swine nor give what is holy to the dogs and if you don't think Trump fits that description, then I guess you haven't seen the two interviews that I saw where he openly denies he is a sinner and needs forgivenness and I will bet you you you would never hear Biden or Kamala Harris say such a thing.

This shows that he is severely deceived and just like all sociopaths are also, for even after killing many people like some do, they still don't see it as being wrong and nor do they have any remorse for it either.

So you better think about that while you still have the time to obey the scriptures and leave it up to God who is elected where it should be left.
No it doesn't.
Daniel 4:17 “‘The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.’
Daniel 4:34
Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.
His dominion is an eternal dominion;
his kingdom endures from generation to generation.

35 All the peoples of the earth
are regarded as nothing.
He does as he pleases
with the powers of heaven
and the peoples of the earth.
No one can hold back his hand
or say to him: “What have you done?”

Daniel 2:
19 During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven 20 and said:

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
21 He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.

If believers don't vote, the outcome of elections will be determined by unbelievers.

Sorry but that does not agree with the passages from Daniel that I copied and pasted above, for whatever God says he is sovereign over, is his business and not the business of human beings.

For just as Daniel 4:35 very clearly states what all people intend to do in this is nothing for God does what he pleases with the powers of heaven and the people of the earth and no one can hold back his hand or say to him: "what have you done either"?

One thing is for certain, John F. Kenedy said it right when he maid this statement, "American's will get the government that they deserve whether it be good or bad".

Furthermore, if the majority of the people are planing to vote for a man that God doesn't want as our leader, he can influence them to change their mind without even interfering with their will through his Holy Spirit and that is why he will get what he wants no matter what people intend to do at the voting polls.

He will also sometimes give people what they want in order to teach them a lesson and correct them and just as he did with Israel when they kept asking for a human king against God's will and he gave them Saul and with him the many other problems for them that they didn't think about that would come with him.

By the way, I know exactly what you are doing by all of a sudden posting here against my posts, so quit trying to even a score with me, for I am not here to endulge in your childish and competetive games.
Daniel 4:17 “‘The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.’
Daniel 4:34
Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.
His dominion is an eternal dominion;
his kingdom endures from generation to generation.

35 All the peoples of the earth
are regarded as nothing.
He does as he pleases
with the powers of heaven
and the peoples of the earth.
No one can hold back his hand
or say to him: “What have you done?”

Daniel 2:
19 During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven 20 and said:

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
21 He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.
If that was literally true, then God is responsible for every ruler who has existed, including those who rose up and "did evil in the eyes of Yahweh."

Sorry but that does not agree with the passages from Daniel that I copied and pasted above, for whatever God says he is sovereign over, is his business and not the business of human beings.

For just as Daniel 4:35 very clearly states what all people intend to do in this is nothing for God does what he pleases with the powers of heaven and the people of the earth and no one can hold back his hand or say to him: "what have you done either"?

One thing is for certain, John F. Kenedy said it right when he maid this statement, "American's will get the government that they deserve whether it be good or bad".

Furthermore, if the majority of the people are planing to vote for a man that God doesn't want as our leader, he can influence them to change their mind without even interfering with their will through his Holy Spirit and that is why he will get what he wants no matter what people intend to do at the voting polls.
God doesn't always get what He wants. He wants everyone to be saved, but obviously not everyone will be because many people are against God.

He will also sometimes give people what they want in order to teach them a lesson and correct them and just as he did with Israel when they kept asking for a human king against God's will and he gave them Saul and with him the many other problems for them that they didn't think about that would come with him.

By the way, I know exactly what you are doing by all of a sudden posting here against my posts, so quit trying to even a score with me, for I am not here to endulge in your childish and competetive games.
If that was literally true, then God is responsible for every ruler who has existed, including those who rose up and "did evil in the eyes of Yahweh."

He is indeed responsible for bring evil upon evil doers and there are plenty of scriptures that back up this truth also.

For God many times commanded Israel to go into the heathen nations and kill men, women, and children and yes even their infants also, it is a scripture fact and if you don't want to asknowledge it with your humanistic mind set then maybe you ought to admit that you are really not a believer but either an agnostic or atheist instead.
God doesn't always get what He wants. He wants everyone to be saved, but obviously not everyone will be because many people are against God.

That much is true when we are speaking of what he wants from human beings who he created and have chosen to be disobedient.

However, when it concerns who will reign in the kingdoms of this world, the Bible is very clear in all of those passages that I copied and pasted from Daniel chapters 2 and 4 that he is sovereign over them all and most assuredent also gets what he wants and while no one will be able to prevent him from doing so either.

So I would suggest that you read them again and this time stop rebelling against what they clearly say and start acknowledging them as the truth.
He is indeed responsible for bring evil upon evil doers and there are plenty of scriptures that back up this truth also.

For God many times commanded Israel to go into the heathen nations and kill men, women, and children and yes even their infants also, it is a scripture fact and if you don't want to asknowledge it
I acknowledge it.

with your humanistic mind set then maybe you ought to admit that you are really not a believer but either an agnostic or atheist instead.
Oh, brother... :rolleyes:

That much is true when we are speaking of what he wants from human beings who he created and have chosen to be disobedient.

However, when it concerns who will reign in the kingdoms of this world, the Bible is very clear in all of those passages that I copied and pasted from Daniel chapters 2 and 4 that he is sovereign over them all and most assuredent also gets what he wants and while no one will be able to prevent him from doing so either.

So I would suggest that you read them again and this time stop rebelling against what they clearly say and start acknowledging them as the truth.
I'm going to vote this fall. I hope you do too.