If that is the position you take with which to accuse, then perhaps you should enlighten us. Where does the Bible equate "natural men" with apostates?
Natural men are men who have pre-eminently rejected God. Paul describes the Gentile variety in Rom 1.
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
Jesus was pre-occupied with the Jewish variety. There is sinning, and there is rejecting God. The two are in separate categories. Not every Gentile falls into the Rom 1 category. Not every Jew falls into the Rom 3:11ff category.
This distinction can be put another way: the distinction between faithlessness in 2 Tim 2:13 and apostacy in 2 Tim 2:12.
There is no such thing as an ordinary sinner and a sinner who is not ordinary. A sinner is a sinner.
A key biblical distinction is between the sinner who receives the truth and the sinner who receives not the love of the truth, that they might be saved viz. 2 Thess 2:10. So sinners are differentiated by their "love of the truth."
Those who are ignorant of the gospel are just as much subject to the judgment on sin and sinners as any other sinner not found in Christ through faith. Your confusion and need to untangle the confusion in any way you deem possible, is from the very place that a great many confusions and apparent contradictions within the Bible come.
That is a blatant misrepresentation of what the bible says. Every man will be judged by the (a) the law = Jews pre-Christ, (b) their conscience = Gentiles without the law, (c) whether or not they accept the gospel.
(You might be more credible if you cited the bible.)
A failure to let God be God.
What are you even waffling on about?
A refusal to acknowledge God according to His own self revelation. You cannot abide a God who would save some and not save all.
God's judgements are just. God's wrath on the sinner who rejects the truth is just that they are incapacitated from faith 2 Thess 2:10.
You do not believe that this image of God you have, (which to you is the real and only image) would be so unfair as to take away your liberty in any way shape or form. You cannot abide that He would regenerate a person by the Holy Spirit in order to give to him what is necessary to be placed in Christ ---which is a belief and trust in the person and work of Christ. That old man in Adam within still wants to do it his way.
Nothing quite like shifting the subject smack in the middle of a sentence.
And you shifted it to something that was not ever mentioned in the entire conversation.
You're so far off what the bible actually says it's laughable. And of course you will never be able to cite a single
biblical precedent that states that the Holy Spirit is given to the unrepentant and unbelieving. So you have to rely on Calvin.
What God has given men, is
by Jesus Christ. The Spirit "is freely given
to those who believe in him" Acts 5:32 so that "we may understand what
God has freely
us [in Christ]" 2 Cor 2:12.
It is probably wise that you put down the shovel and stop digging.
I am a student of the bible. I see not a single bible verse quoted by you. Instead you quote Calvin. Says it all.