There are a lot of things that were said and done by the historical Jesus that Paul decided to ignore and declare that the law law jesus followed is nailed to the cross the idea of Jesus died for our sins is absurd it makes Hitler who believed in him blush
The best evidence that the gospels and Acts of the Apostles are mere works of fiction is scientific or historical or literary evidence,
We can even establish by literary analysis that the original New Testament gospel was a work of fiction. Rhoads, Dewey and Michie point out, in Mark as Story that the narrator would need to have had unlimited omniscience to know everything he wrote. They say:
The composer of this story has used sophisticated storytelling techniques, developed the characters and the conflicts, and built suspense with deliberateness, telling the story to generate certain insights and responses in the audience.
Literary evidence can also be used to demonstrate that the Acts of the Apostles is a work of fiction. For example, in An Introduction to the New Testament, Raymond E. Brown points to several problematic issues:
In his undisputed letters Paul gives us no information about the first missionary journey.
Paul is considered the first person to have corrupted the religion of the Christians.
. Paul got what is Christianity and reshaped it as he saw fit. His version is different from what Jesus taught.
There are a lot of things that were said and done by the historical Jesus that Paul decided to ignore and declare that the law law jesus followed is nailed to the cross the idea of Jesus died for our sins is absurd it makes Hitler who believed in him blush
He claimed that ‘Jesus may Allaah exalt his mention was sent to replace the Old Testament with another one, and that he adopted of incarnation by way of the word or the son of God or the Holy Spirit. Based on this idea, he initiated the creed of the crucifixion, salvation, the resurrection of ‘Jesus may Allaah exalt his mention and his ascension to heaven in order to sit on the right of the Lord so as to make Judgment.
Likewise, Paul did the same with Peter who attacked him and departed from him and all this provoked the people against him. Therefore, Paul wrote the epistle to the Galatians explaining his creed and principles. Then, he continued his missionary trips in the company of his disciples to Europe and Asia Minor until he finally died in Rome in 65 CE during the reign of Nero.
Throughout the first three centuries of Christianity, there was strong resistance against Paul's beliefs. During the second century CE Hippolytus of Rome, Vitus and Origen denied that Paul was an apostle. During the third century, Paul of Samosata appeared and was followed by the Paulicians but they only had a limited effect. Thus, began the abandonment of the Sharee'ah of the Tawraah and the spread of paganism and the concept of the Trinity and the crucifixion in Christianity.
It doesn’t make sense that God sends countless Prophets like Noah, Abraham and Moses to tell people to believe in one God, and then suddenly sends a radically different message of the Trinity which contradicts his previous Prophets teachings. It is clear that the sect of Christianity who believed Jesus to be a human Prophet and nothing more, were following the true teachings of Jesus. This is because their concept of God is the same as that which was taught by the Prophets in the Old Testament
doubt has been raised about the Apollos episode at Ephesus as Lucan theologising
Since there is no confirmation in the undisputed (or even the pseudonymous) Pauline letters of the appeal to Caesar and the journey to Rome, some who challenge the historicity of Acts dismiss the account of Paul's hazardous sea journey in Acts 27:1-28:14 as novelistic fiction.
We can never verify the existence and martyrdom of Stephen, or the killing of James, son of Zebedee by Herod Agrippa
Arthur J. Bellinzoni takes this comment further, in The New Testament: An Introduction to Biblical Scholarship:
Whether this account [Acts 6] of the Hellenists and of Stephen's martyrdom reflects actual events in the history of the early church or is simply Lukan "theologized" history with little or no factual content is debated by equally competent scholars. The stories in Acts are permeated by literary, , leaving us with little confidence about details of the early history of the Jesus movement.
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