The Foolishness and Arrogance of Mormonism

I'm still waiting on you to give us a cite where any of those stories are backed by "Mormon doctrine".

Again, Magdalena--they are YOUR stories--and they have no basis in LDS doctrine, nor have you provided one iota of evidence those stories are backed by LDS church doctrine.

For you to believe that your stories are true is your business--but to claim those stories of yours are backed by LDS doctrine is false--and will remain false--until you show they are LDS doctrines.

Sure I'll take a crack at it.

If one is not LDS they are second class sentences. (sentences)

LOL ......

DB .......

You are up ......
I'm still waiting on you to give us a cite where any of those stories are backed by "Mormon doctrine".

Again, Magdalena--they are YOUR stories--and they have no basis in LDS doctrine, nor have you provided one iota of evidence those stories are backed by LDS church doctrine.

For you to believe that your stories are true is your business--but to claim those stories of yours are backed by LDS doctrine is false--and will remain false--until you show they are LDS doctrines.
:ROFLMAO: ??:rolleyes::p