The leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide

Not sure I understand your point.

There are plenty of posts on this thread blaming the dead women for not carefully choosing their boyfriends/husbands.

I'm talking about YOU. You rightly (!!!) point out that the blame for murdering someone falls squarely on the murderer. Nobody else. You're 100% correct about that.

Yet you seem to be blaming (in advance) a potential abortion law for men murdering their pregnant spouses/girlfriends/whomever.

Why the hypocrisy?

--The fetus is human but not a person with rights under the law.
--The fetus is living, but not a person.
--It is true that the fetus is totally dependent on its mother and that meets the definition of parasite.
--That anti-abortionists rarely if ever seriously consider the factors that motivate women to end crisis pregnancies is a fact. Continuation of pregnancy is their goal with no exceptions, so how is the woman not just an incubator?
--If women are forced to continue unwanted pregnancies, then yes, someone else is controlling their bodies.
--If pregnancies will have a poor outcome, why not halt the process as early as possible?
Blacks were not considered human under the laws. Laws change.

What is your source of moral values?
Well, we fixed the law about black people, who are still not treated equally in our society.

I do not see the RW anti-abortion movement as caring about anything but fetuses. They have opposed all programs to provide healthcare to pregnant women and young families, school lunches, paid maternity leave, affordable childcare, etc. If you can point to the programs your side has supported, that would be appreciated.

OTOH, I do not see your side even mentioning the trauma of desperate women faced with crisis pregnancies.

My view of public policy on this issue:
--mandated medically accurate sex ed that includes how to avoid unintended pregnancies
--cost-free access to the most effective forms of BC for all women
--easy access to first trimester pregnancies at low to no cost
--prenatal and postnatal care for all women
--nutritional assistance for children in poor families
--paid maternity/paternity leave
--testing for fetal defects and abortions for serious defects whenever they are detected
--abortions for health issues that arise during or before pregnancy and threaten the life or health of the mother

So go ahead and list your positions on these same issues.
In other words perpetually dependency to the ruling class
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Your lack of value for all life is a testament to your moral corruption, lack of love and whom you serve. Sad for you!
When I asked about the people killed by the supposed covid vaccine she explained not away by saying lives were saved. This article she posted says 273 women died and some where one year past having given birth but if you question her she'll say you hate women. It's amazing stuff
I'm talking about YOU. You rightly (!!!) point out that the blame for murdering someone falls squarely on the murderer. Nobody else. You're 100% correct about that.

Yet you seem to be blaming (in advance) a potential abortion law for men murdering their pregnant spouses/girlfriends/whomever.

Why the hypocrisy?
Why is it hypocritical to note that if men are killing their pregnant wives/girlfriends, then there will be more murders if those pregnant women cannot get abortions to appease those men?
Why is it hypocritical to note that if men are killing their pregnant wives/girlfriends, then there will be more murders if those pregnant women cannot get abortions to appease those men?
This is the same logic as a bank should not have much money on hand, to prevent bank robbery. Absolutely idiotic.
Why is it hypocritical to note that if men are killing their pregnant wives/girlfriends, then there will be more murders if those pregnant women cannot get abortions to appease those men?
And again you think of women as weak and helpless.
Yes, pregnant women are killed at a higher rate than the number that die from pregnancy-related causes. That should be shocking to everyone, but obviously not, given the responses here.
Depends what you mean by women
I note that your only tactic at this point is to claim that I am "hysterically raving".
I think this response is clearly the resort of RW posters who know I am female and can be disparaged in that way. Who on this forum makes that charge against male posters who argue forcefully against RW positions? None.

More importantly, responding to my calmly presented arguments and facts is not something CARM RWers can do, and so disparaging me is all you guys have left.
What do you mean by female. Female/woman is biological sex and not gender identity which is a lie
Your reference to cheating or child support suggests you are blaming the women. The murdered women.
Shouldn't a man who kills go to jail?
Depends what you mean by man and woman. Man and woman are the biological sex not gender identity which is s lie
Why is it hypocritical to note that if men are killing their pregnant wives/girlfriends, then there will be more murders if those pregnant women cannot get abortions to appease those men?
Depends what you mean by men wives and girlfriends.