Time dilation creationism


Active member
Time dilation allows for a 14 billion years old universe to be created in 6 days. Time dilation creationism is a theory based on that idea. More details here and here.

This post is mainly to put forth the theory, not to say it's correct. Time dilation is explained in this video with clips from the movie Interstellar.

Time dilation allows for a 14 billion years old universe to be created in 6 days. Time dilation creationism is a theory based on that idea. More details here and here.

This post is mainly to put forth the theory, not to say it's correct. Time dilation is explained in this video with clips from the movie Interstellar.

Kip Thorne is well known for his speculation(s) about time travel, and the producers of the video are correct about slowing clocks near an event horizon or when an object moves near the speed of light. Unfortunately for Kip, Stephen Hawking showed that if an object attempted to probe a theoretical closed spacetime region that loops back on itself, it would be demolished. Still, we need a complete theory of quantum gravity to comprehend the ideas being generated and ideas keep on keeping on.

Having a little fun and food for thought:

- What would occur to me if I am able to go backward in time and murder my great grandfather? ( Assuming that I still retain free will. )
- Assuming that time travel exists, where are all the time travelers?
- If you are traveling at the speed of light in an empty dark portion of spacetime and turn on your flashlight how would you describe the illumination produced from the flashlight?

Kip Thorne is well known for his speculation(s) about time travel, and the producers of the video are correct about slowing clocks near an event horizon or when an object moves near the speed of light. Unfortunately for Kip, Stephen Hawking showed that if an object attempted to probe a theoretical closed spacetime region that loops back on itself, it would be demolished. Still, we need a complete theory of quantum gravity to comprehend the ideas being generated and ideas keep on keeping on.

Having a little fun and food for thought:

- What would occur to me if I am able to go backward in time and murder my great grandfather? ( Assuming that I still retain free will. )
I would theorize that to go back in time would necessarily mean entering an alternate universe. In our universe/timeline I was not present in the Vienna of 1882, let alone firing a gun there, therefore a universe in which I was present there and then is by definition a different one from ours. So I could murder my great grandfather without disappearing; I would just go on existing (in prison, hopefully) in that universe. If I lived until 2022, there would not be a "me" who could visit me in prison.

- Assuming that time travel exists, where are all the time travelers?
If future technology can invent time machines, maybe they can also invent devices which obliviate any witnesses.

- If you are traveling at the speed of light in an empty dark portion of spacetime and turn on your flashlight how would you describe the illumination produced from the flashlight?
Now let's not get into this fantasy stuff; I'm here to talk science!

Now let's not get into this fantasy stuff; I'm here to talk science!

This is a question posed at many undergraduate level physics classes in order to increase a student's understanding in special relativity.

Getting back to talking about physics:

Thanks to the irrational numbers we can keep it real.

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This is a question posed at many undergraduate level physics classes in order to increase a student's understanding in special relativity.

Getting back to talking about physics:

Thanks to the irrational numbers we can keep it real.

Thanks for the video, by the way. I didn't get the point, however, about how the existence of irrational numbers implied we were not in a simulation. It seemed the claim was something like "if this were a simulation, the programmers would have cut off the approximation of the square root of two after a couple hundred digits or so." I don't see why, though: to save hard disk space on the simulation? That makes no sense, because they don't have to include a million, billion, trillion (etc.) terabytes of information to give us simulees the right answer for square root of two; they just have to include the algorithm for finding the square root of two, which takes up infinitely less space. Moreover, if the programmers did give us an answer for the square root of two which stopped, we would have said "wait a minute, that can't be right; this is known to be an irrational number! That was clearly proven more than two thousand years ago!"
- What would occur to me if I am able to go backward in time and murder my great grandfather? ( Assuming that I still retain free will. )
I can tell you how Marvel comics handle that subject. Your history can't be changed, but instead you split off a parallel universe where you don't exist.

- Assuming that time travel exists, where are all the time travelers?
You can spot some here, checking or talking on their phone and other routine stuff.

- If you are traveling at the speed of light in an empty dark portion of spacetime and turn on your flashlight how would you describe the illumination produced from the flashlight?
As I understand it, something with mass needs infinite energy to reach lightspeed, gains infinite mass, and time stops for it, whatever all that means. You can't reach lightspeed with a material body and a flashlight. But your mind has no mass. Maybe the only way you can reach lightspeed is as a massless spirit being, minus the flashlight of course.