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Perhaps you have heard someone say something like this, “The Titanic was built by professionals but the ark was built by amateurs.” What they mean is that sometimes people without professional training or skills can do a better job than those who do have training.
But is the statement true? Was Noah just an amateur when God told him to build the ark? We really don’t know because the Bible tells us nothing of Noah’s occupation before the flood. It is possible that he was a professional shipbuilder and that God gave him this occupation to prepare him to build the ark.
Tim Chaffey and K. Marie Adams have written the Remnant Trilogy, a fictional account of Noah’s life before the flood, and they tell of Noah becoming an apprentice to a shipbuilder at the age of 40 and devoting his life to this job. When God finally told him to start working on the ark he was well prepared to carry out this task.
The Bible tells us very little about what life was like then, so naturally most of their work in fiction, but they are careful not to contradict anything the Bible actually says. At the end of each book of the trilogy there is a section in which they discuss what the Bible says.
If you want to read this series you can buy it here:
And yet even if Noah was a professional there is a sense in which he and his family were amateurs. The word “amateur” is derived from the French word for “love”, meaning someone who engages in an activity because of love, not just because of what he can gain from it. All Christians should be amateurs in this sense. We should serve God because we love him, not just for the rewards we will receive.
But is the statement true? Was Noah just an amateur when God told him to build the ark? We really don’t know because the Bible tells us nothing of Noah’s occupation before the flood. It is possible that he was a professional shipbuilder and that God gave him this occupation to prepare him to build the ark.
Tim Chaffey and K. Marie Adams have written the Remnant Trilogy, a fictional account of Noah’s life before the flood, and they tell of Noah becoming an apprentice to a shipbuilder at the age of 40 and devoting his life to this job. When God finally told him to start working on the ark he was well prepared to carry out this task.
The Bible tells us very little about what life was like then, so naturally most of their work in fiction, but they are careful not to contradict anything the Bible actually says. At the end of each book of the trilogy there is a section in which they discuss what the Bible says.
If you want to read this series you can buy it here:
Noah: The Remnant Trilogy
Step back in time and enjoy this living story! Noah: The Remnant Trilogy, a historical fiction trilogy tracing the backstory of Noah and life before the Flood from the Content Director and Graphic Designer of the highly acclaimed Ark Encounter.
And yet even if Noah was a professional there is a sense in which he and his family were amateurs. The word “amateur” is derived from the French word for “love”, meaning someone who engages in an activity because of love, not just because of what he can gain from it. All Christians should be amateurs in this sense. We should serve God because we love him, not just for the rewards we will receive.