I have finished 1776 by David McCullough.
It was a magnificent account of Washington's military defeats - and ultimate triumph - during that awful year. His army went through nearly indescribable difficulties and sufferings to win America its freedom from Britain, and McCullough manages to tell this story in flowing prose which reads like a novel. We owe those soldiers so much. The people who spit on our founders' graves today should read this and reconsider.
I am now reading Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson.
It was a magnificent account of Washington's military defeats - and ultimate triumph - during that awful year. His army went through nearly indescribable difficulties and sufferings to win America its freedom from Britain, and McCullough manages to tell this story in flowing prose which reads like a novel. We owe those soldiers so much. The people who spit on our founders' graves today should read this and reconsider.
I am now reading Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson.