Which of their gods so Mormons worship?

There's no reason for me to address that comment. It's not part of our theology. We have no doctrine to address "pre-spirit" existence.
For people who claim we were all pre-spirit people in heaven prior to being born on earth....you seem to have some sort of doctrine.
Well then, by that statement alone, we can surmise that God the Father is a separate individual from God the Son. That alone opens the door the polytheism, does it not? Here's what I believe is happening here. You guys have a doctrine you have to defend even if it has no defense. We will eventually devolve into the unexplained. That's not a problem for our religion. We don't have to explain anything because the scriptures support a Father-Son relationship that equates to the family relationship that we all know and understand. We know where children come from and it appears that Jesus came into the world the very same way all children come into the world. In fact, we understand it so well, that we know that whoever Jesus' Father was, He had to be human. That's a biological fact, but your religion teaches us to discard the facts and accept some fairy-tale explanation. You all are expected to believe in magic. That somehow, a singular being created himself in a woman's body but he isn't his own Father. Amazing.
" In fact, we understand it so well, that we know that whoever Jesus' Father was, He had to be human.".....oh boy. I might as well be arguing with a Muslim.
But I do agree with you, Jesus isn't his own Father. And as such, the Father and the Son are two separate beings (on this point, even though it's obviously true, I'm sure we'll disagree).

Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus is NOT God's only son. You guys seem to think you can argue our position but you can't and no matter how many times you repeat it, it's never going change what our position actually is.
I can argue against any two mormons.....and both mormons will disagree with each other position. Mormonism is way too wishy washy.
Yep The word was WITH God. That's clearly showing the existence of two beings and that they are both God.

Now you're catching on....Each of the trinity is the exact same in essence or nature yet containing 3 persons.
Well, you may disagree, but true Christians would believe the Bible and not subject it to their own personal interpretations. You have already admitted that Jesus is not his own Father. You also admit the Word (Jesus) was with God from the beginning. We also believe Jesus is God. That' makes two Gods, right there. That's the Biblical testimony. We believe it. It doesn't appear that you do.

That is our position. We have not changed that position one bit.
Mormons teach Jesus was appointed to the Godhead....as in at one time Jesus wasn't God. Was Jesus a Titan?