Are people born gay or do they choose to be gay?

I don't think it does happen. I can't see that it ever would happen. We can all dream up hypothetical reasons why anything and everything should be disallowed. If it doesn't happen, it isn't a problem. Certainly, coercive control of young vulnerable people by their parents does happen, all to frequently. That is something that can and is prevented by appropriate legislation. Your proposed cure for a non-existent problem would make a real problem worse.
We have the biggest medical scandal for decades with your gender identity ideology lie praying on children with other mental health issues
That decision has been made. By those whose job it is to do so. If you object their decision, take it up with them. Personally, I think that real life has far more variables than your simplistic logic exercise allows, and that in practice, only a system that allows the particulars of each case to determine the outcome, will be workable.
Sadly many whose job it is to do it abuse children. You were given an example.
I’m going to be honest here… this isn’t me avoiding the question. My answer is: it all depends on what they meant by their initial question. If them asking “do you hate dogs”, they meant “do you hate all dogs”, then me answering “yes” indicates to them that I hate all dogs. If them asking “do you hate dogs”, they mean “do you hate dogs as a general category”, and I answer “yes”, then that indicates to them that I hate dogs in general.

This is why, if someone asked me that out of the blue, I’d ask for clarification (I.e., what do they mean by that?) before answering.
If you hear

"do you hate dogs?"

without clarifcation, do you assume dogs-in-general?
I'm not remotely attempting to do so. I have demonstrated however, that it is sometimes in that child's interest to have an abortion, despite their parents wishes, and that therefore regulations and legislation needs to reflect this. The harping on about maturity is a red herring. The issue is who are the best people to act in the best interests of the child. Because this is not always the parents, the opportunity for it not to be the parents has to be there.
A red herring is a herring that is red
If you hear

"do you hate dogs?"

without clarifcation, do you assume dogs-in-general?

I seek clarification. Or I rely on context. But if asked out of the blue that question and I didn’t seek clarification, I’d assume that the questioner means dogs as a general category. Just like if he asked if I like ice cream, I’d assume (without clarification), he means ice cream in general, and not every single individual flavor.
Of course I do. Don't be pathetic and think you are being clever. I've taught 12 year olds for half a lifetime, and you couldn't even compete with them.
You've limited your horizons. All you can do now is treat people like they're no greater than a 12 year old. Try teaching adults. They don't mind telling you that you've made a mistake. I can clearly see that you're not accustom to being around adults.
You've limited your horizons. All you can do now is treat people like they're no greater than a 12 year old. Try teaching adults. They don't mind telling you that you've made a mistake. I can clearly see that you're not accustom to being around adults.
Oh I've taught adults as well. Every age group from 7 to 70, but teenagers are my specialist area. Children tell you that you've made a mistake. Adults admit when they make a mistake. You are not behaving like an adult here.
Oh I've taught adults as well. Every age group from 7 to 70, but teenagers are my specialist area. Children tell you that you've made a mistake. Adults admit when they make a mistake. You are not behaving like an adult here.
we all know the phrase from WWI, lions lead by sheep, well here we have adults lead by children.

And this remark that thinks a man can be a woman by imagining. No wonder you believe children.
Oh I've taught adults as well. Every age group from 7 to 70, but teenagers are my specialist area. Children tell you that you've made a mistake. Adults admit when they make a mistake. You are not behaving like an adult here.
I have taught teenagers as well..its the quality of the teacher and the education that counts
Oh I've taught adults as well. Every age group from 7 to 70, but teenagers are my specialist area. Children tell you that you've made a mistake. Adults admit when they make a mistake. You are not behaving like an adult here.

I bet you dismissed the complaints of all of them......

I'm not going to lose sleep of your characterization of me. You've failed to provide reference. I'm not the one with the issue.
Yes. People underage are incapable of giving informed consent.
With adults.
That's what being underage means. Sex with or between underage persons is always nonconsensual.
The former is illegal and rape while the latter is neither as far as i know.

Did the lives of Native Americans improve as a result of the legislation mandating assimilation and the revoking of tribal land titles pushed through by Charles Curtis, the first Native American Vice President? Are we better off with Clarence Thomas, who opposes affirmative action, on the Supreme Court, or Victoria Nuland, a war hawk in the State Department? Is our perpetuation of permanent war more palatable because Lloyd Austin, an African American, is the Secretary of Defense? Is the military more humane because it accepts transgender soldiers? Is social inequality, and the surveillance state that controls it, ameliorated because Sundar Pichai — who was born in India — is the CEO of Google and Alphabet? Has the weapons industry improved because Kathy J. Warden, a woman, is the CEO of Northop Grumman, and another woman, Phebe Novakovic, is the CEO of General Dynamics? Are working families better off with Janet Yellen, who promotes increasing unemployment and “job insecurity” to lower inflation, as Secretary of the Treasury? Is the movie industry enhanced when a female director, Kathryn Bigelow, makes “Zero Dark Thirty,” which is agitprop for the CIA? Take a look at this recruitment ad put out by the CIA. It sums up the absurdity of where we have ended up.
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With adults.

The former is illegal and rape while the latter is neither as far as i know.
Then what you "know" is wrong. Sex with a minor is always a sex offence. It may not be in the public interest to prosecute, but that's another side of the decision. Anyone who has sex with someone underage commits an offence, as long as they are over the age of criminal responsibility, which is 14 in my country. Don't know about yours.