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  1. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    Inadvertent or not, I think it's rather telling that I've been accused of being a liar multiple times by someone committing intellectual property theft... without apology or remorse even after being made aware of it. Simply Google the key terms: cut and paste intellectual property theft. I'm...
  2. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    Thanks for the clarifying questions. After this OP showed up for a few days, BJ figured out that the material was directly lifted from a webpage put together by a Roman Catholic apologist in response to me from 2014. That defender of Rome was the person that read the book being cited (actually...
  3. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    The providential irony (not lost on me, at all) is that I am that which provoked your OP, and you think you came up with the OP information yourself. As another participant in this discussion pointed out, the webpage you plagiarized for a large portion of your OP was originally a direct response...
  4. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    You're not being attacked by me, please knock it off. I tire of the victim mentality game. If you want to seriously discuss this topic, I'll oblige. If you just want to be a self-proclaimed martyr, then I'm out. I don't have the mental strength to interact with someone who perceives almost every...
  5. Tertiumquid

    Bellarmine said Assurance was the worst protestant heresy

    Thanks. Frankly, I've not read much of Aquinas, so I don't comment on him often. Even if I did start reading Aquinas regularly, I have a feeling that the little Martin Luther voice inside me would be saying, "why are you wasting your time reading this????"
  6. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    Betrayal is a hard life lesson... it produces immense pain and anger. If I look backwards (now that I'm closer to the grave than my high school years), I can look back on all the people and institutions that betrayed me... and also my reactions. Like the accusative locutor in this discussion...
  7. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    If you would like to be "back on topic"... it would be helpful to start on where this information you posted comes from. We've already seen, by your own admission, you didn't even know the Information you posted was from a book or who wrote the bulk of the quotes you cited, nor did you even know...
  8. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    No sir (or ma'am, or however you identify), you are mistaken. The quotes you used were not written by Weigel. You are citing a book written by Andrew Weeks discussing Weigel and your OP proves it. From YOUR OP: Valentin Weigel (1533-1588): German Religious Dissenter, Speculative Theorist, and...
  9. Tertiumquid

    Bellarmine said Assurance was the worst protestant heresy

    I vaguely recall searching this Bellarmine quote, and vaguely recall the popular origin may be the Reformed author Sinclair Ferguson... attributing it to Bellarmine... Again though, this is a vague recollection. I checked my blog and did not find an entry, so either as I was searching it I...
  10. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    Again, I'm not up to playing online theology drama stuff much anymore, but there are plenty of folks on CARM who are. FWIW, I actually bought the book the cut-and-paste you utilized in your opening post comes from... I actually spent time and $$ to check the source you were citing. In...
  11. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    Your extensive words appear to show a hurt person in perpetual attack mode. I know there are plenty of people who like to spar over theology, trade insinuations and insults back and forth, but I'm too old now for that. I wish you peace and hope that the Lord takes away your hurt.
  12. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    I see the pain you're in from your words. You will be in my prayers.
  13. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    There is no meaningful historical evidence Luther ever killed anyone or had anyone killed. You are violating the Scriptures by bearing false witness. If in the past you were hurt by "churchgoers," and therefore= all churchgoers and organized churches are bad, that's fundamentally illogical...
  14. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    I find CARM fascinating. On the one hand, you have Rome's defenders using Luther to prove everyone should belong to their "church," then you have others here using Luther to prove you shouldn't go to any church. Wild.
  15. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    The "Lutherists" have this (which you appear to not have thus far): the openness to say: this is what we believe and what are affiliations are. You appear to want to hide your theological affiliations and hide which group you belong to. Fundamentally therefore, I trust the "Lutherists" over you...
  16. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    Thanks for your explanation. Do you regularly gather together with other Christians in corporate worship? If so, do the people you associate with have an organized body of doctrine they believe and confess together?
  17. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    I think the link is to the same edition used... I haven't had a chance to investigate further. One interesting facet of the cut-and-paste in the OP is that the book goes on to say that picture that Wappler created (who was the genesis of all the quotes cited) is a "one-sided view of the...
  18. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    I would agree with you that I have a narrative- my narrative sees that there was a collective of people that met together in the New Testament known as the church, and those churches were led by elders, and helped out by deacons. People that were in the church were under their authority. Do you...
  19. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    So, are you in the "me in the woods with a Bible under a tree hearing directly from God" camp, or are you affiliated with a group of people that collectively meets together as a church, and if so, does that church have a statement of faith?
  20. Tertiumquid

     Bloody Marty

    I suspect it doesn't matter to you, however, I dealt with Luther and the anabaptists many years ago. an excerpt is as follows, slightly modified for our present discussion: Luther did support a broader concept of religious freedom previous to 1530, but he did eventually have a change in...