Limited atonement

Your position on the atonement asserts Jesus makes everyone savable, if they will only believe; therefore, Jesus saves no one; salvation is the purview of the creature.

That's not how Jesus views unlimited atonement and libertarian choice. Jesus sees it as we accept it and He saves us. But it is God's idea, not ours.
That's not how Jesus views unlimited atonement and libertarian choice. Jesus sees it as we accept it and He saves us. But it is God's idea, not ours.
Your position on the atonement asserts Jesus makes everyone savable, if they will only believe; therefore, Jesus saves no one; salvation is the purview of the creature.
Christ paid the debt for all.
Then why are ppl punished for their sins when they’re paid for? That’d be like being found guilty in court and told to either pay the fine or get six months in jail. They pay the fine, the court accepts the payment and is satisfied with that payment, then turning right around and giving them six months in jail any ways. You have Christ paying for their sins and them, too. You’re making Christ an unjust [see unrighteous] judge.

But that didn't make them saved.

In y’all’s view, the cross saved nary a soul, just made them savable. That dog won’t hunt.

People weren't automatically saved the day that Christ died. There were still conditions, not denying that LFW was one of them.

And Christ met all those conditions necessary for saving His sheep.
Then why are ppl punished for their sins when they’re paid for? That’d be like being found guilty in court and told to either pay the fine or get six months in jail. They pay the fine, the court accepts the payment and is satisfied with that payment, then turning right around and giving them six months in jail any ways. You have Christ paying for their sins and them, too. You’re making Christ an unjust [see unrighteous] judge.

In y’all’s view, the cross saved nary a soul, just made them savable. That dog won’t hunt.

And Christ met all those conditions necessary for saving His sheep.

Synergistically saving us was God's idea, not ours. Jesus purchased the tickets for salvation, for the sheep as well as the goats. The sheep libertarianly accept the tickets. The goats libertarianly deny them.
It is God's prerogative do it that way.
God didn't do it that way.

He gave the world a Savior who really saves (Mt 1:21; cf Acts 20:28). He did not give the world a Savior who merely makes men savable, if only they will believe as your position asserts.
Synergistically saving us was God's idea, not ours. Jesus purchased the tickets for salvation, for the sheep as well as the goats. The sheep libertarianly accept the tickets. The goats libertarianly deny them.
And there it is -- the creature is left to save himself which he is powerless to do (Jn 6:44, 65).
God didn't do it that way.

He gave the world a Savior who really saves (Mt 1:21; cf Acts 20:28). He did not give the world a Savior who merely makes men savable, if only they will believe as your position asserts.

That doesn't prove God didn't make men savable. Fireman come to save all but it doesn't mean he saves those who don't want to be saved.
Synergistically saving us was God's idea, not ours. Jesus purchased the tickets for salvation, for the sheep as well as the goats. The sheep libertarianly accept the tickets. The goats libertarianly deny them.
Wrong. Jesus said He would lay His life for for the sheep not goats. You are making things up as you go.
Wrong. Jesus said He would lay His life for for the sheep not goats. You are making things up as you go.

Arminians have always believed this so it is nothing new.

All ie sheep and goats are potentially libertarianly sheep and Christ died for them all to root out who the sheep are which is what He wanted.

That is the conclusion that reconciles with scriptures that imply Christ died for all unlimitedly.