The Most Inspired Communicator IMO of the last decade or so


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I give Trump this honor because he

well, I think one sentence will suffice

He spoke for Everyday Americans

He had a talent (a genius) for speaking what WE have on our minds... hearts

I do not just speak for myself... He of course won legitimately, so yeh.. 63 million others agree w/ this (or at best thought him the lesser of two... not so great choices, which i find very wrong bc he was a great president... I mean IS...)

and this way he had (has) of connecting with us schmucky little people (that is what the Establishment thinks of us) is the boiled-down reason WHY he won... and would win again, if only elections were valid again

Make Elections Valid Again

Agreed - he was not politically correct or woke - he fought back - he was robbed - the election was stolen
Agreed - he was not politically correct or woke - he fought back - he was robbed - the election was stolen
more and more people are finding this out.. people who once thought the notion of a stolen election was bogus... We've had plenty of time to examine the evidence.. Of course some of us saw it from the very beginning..

This country, i have learned, is far sicker than I ever thought---and boy, did I thought!

I mean... it still blows me away that they... but why should it? The Rs are always letting those lawless creeps get away with murder..
To correct something: I did not mean to imply that Trump merely FEELS / thinks what we feel and think...

No, I say that he really thinks/feels the same way... (as far as I can tell anyhow.. True, no one knows someone else's heart of hearts save God... but Trump seems to look at the world with reality-colored glasses.. and so do most We the People.. although some Americans are dumb as a box o'rocks... dumb as in: gulllible... believe that lying cnn et al..
more and more people are finding this out.. people who once thought the notion of a stolen election was bogus... We've had plenty of time to examine the evidence.. Of course some of us saw it from the very beginning..
This country, i have learned, is far sicker than I ever thought---and boy, did I thought!
I mean... it still blows me away that they... but why should it? The Rs are always letting those lawless creeps get away with murder..
Well said.