Why Jews will never accept Jesus

If the earthly temple are the requirements then you will die in your sins because the only way sins can be removed in the old covenant is through blood sacrifice.
Which is false. You've been given other ways sins are forgiven.

That's why we have the New Covenant, that old system was only meant to be temporary or the temple would still be standing.
Again, Jeremiah 33 and Ezekiel 37-45 show your words are incorrect.

The earthquake that rent the curtain in the temple was a 5.5 https://www.icr.org/article/greatest-earthquakes-bible/. You also have to remember that those accounts were written by eyewitnesses.
Well, it's a wonder that Roman or Jewish sources don't mention it, the vail being rent, nor the 500 saints walking around.

The law is eternal. The law was not done away with by Jesus' sacrifice.
Jesus is the Mimra who is referred to as God in the Targums and He did not sin.
As I said, memra is only the spoken word, not a person. You can fool yourself, but not me.

Today's Rabbis have a different concept of the sacrifice the priest did in the Holy of Holies, its not the same as Yom Kippur because there is no temple.
You're confused.
It does in the sense that the once a year atonement was designed to be the offering that makes the soul acceptable to God after death. None of those other "atonements" are designed to accomplish what the Leviticus 17:11 soul offering was designed to do. This is turn relates back to all the other foreshadows, including the instigation of God's plan of atonement for the soul in Genesis 3:21.
When we make atonement, it is for our souls. That is the only kind of atonement. there is no such thing as a soul offering.

Genesis 3:21 talks about God making clothing for adam and eve. It says nothing about an atonement sacrfice.
Its not the same as the atonement made by the high priest once a year.
Sorry, but there is only one kind of atonement. The only difference is who the atonement is being made for. It might be you, it might be me, it might be, as on Yom Kippur, for the people of Israel.
I am currently studying the early Rabbinical writings say about the messiah and He is seen as a suffering servant and also a ruler in the Messianic age. Their concept of Him matches what the Christianity teaches about Him. The primary function of the Messiah is to be the atonement offering for the soul. That as to come first before He returns to rule and reign.
Yeah,you keep trying to say that,despite the fact that we keep telling you, we tried on those clothes, and they didn't fit, so we didn't buy them.
If the earthly temple are the requirements then you will die in your sins because the only way sins can be removed in the old covenant is through blood sacrifice.
I specifically listed for you in a previous post three instances where atonement was made without blood. You are choosing to ignore scripture. Choosing to.
When we make atonement, it is for our souls. That is the only kind of atonement. there is no such thing as a soul offering.

Genesis 3:21 talks about God making clothing for adam and eve. It says nothing about an atonement sacrfice.
Leviticus states specifically that the blood makes atonement for the soul. That offering relates to the once a year sacrifice the priest made in the Holy of Holies, which was designed to be a foreshadow of the Messiah's sacrifice detailed in Isaiah 53. That is not the same as Yom Kippur which was an adaptation made by the Rabbis after the destruction of the second temple. There is no blood sacrifice made on Yom Kippur as they are not allowed outside the temple in Jerusalem. It was destroyed in 70AD because God was ending the old system and instigating the new through Jesus.
The sacrifice God made in Eden is a foreshadow of the Messiah's sacrifice and sets the precedent for atonement by sacrifice. The only sacrifice that God will accept is the plan of redemption He established for mankind in Eden. We cannot cover our own sins it has to be done by an act of God. The typology is consistent throughout the Old Testament.
Your messiah isn't mine.

The world will know when messiah arrives. It will be clear.
There is no evidence of another benevolent Messiah appearing in scripture after the destruction of the temple in 70AD.
The prophets expected the Messiah to arrive at the second temple and He did. The last prophet, Malachi, prophesied of the Messiah coming to the second temple and John the Baptist. Then after Malachi there was a four hundred year period of silence when no other prophetic words were given. Then that silence was broken by the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy when John the Baptist and Jesus arrived.
Same thing. The Holy of Holies was only entered once a year, on Yom Kippur.
Nope, it's not the same thing. There is no blood sacrifice on modern day Yom Kippur. The sacrifice that the high priest did was only a foreshadow of Messiah's sacrifice.
Again, spirit isn't a person of God, just his will and desire, or prophetic insight.
God is one Spirit, His Holy Spirit is His Spirit. The person of the Holy Spirit is God's person and the Messiahs as they are all one Spirit. I studied the word usages of "Soul" and "Spirit" in both the Old and New Testaments for two years. When you understand how they are designed to work together its easy to understand the tri-unity of Isaiah 42:1.
There is no evidence of another benevolent Messiah appearing in scripture after the destruction of the temple in 70AD.
Define the word anointed, mashiach?

The prophets expected the Messiah to arrive at the second temple and He did.
There are several. Israel is called out as anointed.

The last prophet, Malachi, prophesied of the Messiah coming to the second temple and John the Baptist.
Really? That's not in there.

Then after Malachi there was a four hundred year period of silence when no other prophetic words were given. Then that silence was broken by the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy when John the Baptist and Jesus arrived.
Nope, it's not the same thing. There is no blood sacrifice on modern day Yom Kippur. The sacrifice that the high priest did was only a foreshadow of Messiah's sacrifice.
Nope. Daniel didn't have a sacrifice either and he did just fine.
So the asham foreshadows that all sins aren't covered. Thank you.
The sacrifice the priest made once a year was intended to cover all the sins and is the foreshadow of the Messiah's sacrifice for all sins, detailed in Isaiah 53. God made His soul an offering for sin.
God is one Spirit, His Holy Spirit is His Spirit. The person of the Holy Spirit is God's person and the Messiahs as they are all one Spirit.
That's 3 spirits. You're confused.

I studied the word usages of "Soul" and "Spirit" in both the Old and New Testaments for two years. When you understand how they are designed to work together its easy to understand the tri-unity of Isaiah 42:1.
Yeah. You tried this before and it didn't work.