Biden Administration $55 Billion For Africa?


Well-known member

DECEMBER 13, 2023

FACT SHEET: Accelerating the U.S. – Africa Partnership After the 2022 U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit​

Since the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022, President Biden kicked off an extraordinary year of U.S. engagement with Africa and made progress in delivering on our high-profile commitments announced during the Summit. The Biden-Harris Administration is over-delivering on our commitment to invest $55 billion in Africa over three years.

DECEMBER 13, 2023

FACT SHEET: Accelerating the U.S. – Africa Partnership After the 2022 U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit​

Since the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022, President Biden kicked off an extraordinary year of U.S. engagement with Africa and made progress in delivering on our high-profile commitments announced during the Summit. The Biden-Harris Administration is over-delivering on our commitment to invest $55 billion in Africa over three years.
Hard to believe, $55 Billion for Africa, as America is falling apart, I smell Obama in this one
Why not? For some crazy reason our credit is still good, and it makes perfect sense to go out and borrow some money and give it directly to other countries. Either that, or the money will just be printed up out of nothing, thus making the cash dollars we now have worth less. Fantastic idea!
Why not? For some crazy reason our credit is still good, and it makes perfect sense to go out and borrow some money and give it directly to other countries. Either that, or the money will just be printed up out of nothing, thus making the cash dollars we now have worth less. Fantastic idea!
I Agree 100%

Could you imagine, giving $Billions away to everybody, Israel, Ukraine, Africa, on and on

Throwing away America's dream for our children and grand children

Trump 2024, MAGA
A Russian troll farm employee, moaning about America's dream for "our" children and grand children? Now that is funny...

DECEMBER 13, 2023

FACT SHEET: Accelerating the U.S. – Africa Partnership After the 2022 U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit​

Since the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022, President Biden kicked off an extraordinary year of U.S. engagement with Africa and made progress in delivering on our high-profile commitments announced during the Summit. The Biden-Harris Administration is over-delivering on our commitment to invest $55 billion in Africa over three years.
Should be a lot more and should have started a long time ago.

Still, this is another example of Biden being forward-thinking and on the right side of history.
Should be a lot more and should have started a long time ago.

Still, this is another example of Biden being forward-thinking and on the right side of history.
Where is all this money for this coming from? We are 34 trillion dollars in debt right now. Right on history? Why was he a "NO" vote on getting Bin Laden?
Where is all this money for this coming from? We are 34 trillion dollars in debt right now. Right on history? Why was he a "NO" vote on getting Bin Laden?
the same place the rest of the federal budget comes from

Why do you ask?

Creating strong ties with Africa is one of the best investments America can make in its future
Should be a lot more and should have started a long time ago.

Still, this is another example of Biden being forward-thinking and on the right side of history.
Oh sure, let American's work and pay taxes to support Africa

Perhaps you need to sell everything you have, live in a tent on a sidewalk, and give your proceeds to the save Africa cause

Waiting for the picture of your new tent home on the sidewalk, and your sign save Africa please donate, Smiles!
the same place the rest of the federal budget comes from

Why do you ask?

Creating strong ties with Africa is one of the best investments America can make in its future
Oh Sure, I thought Bangaladesh would be a much better Idea, smiles!
the same place the rest of the federal budget comes from

Why do you ask?

Creating strong ties with Africa is one of the best investments America can make in its future
When American tax dollars go into these corrupt African led states, the leaders probably skim off at least 40% from the top. Any money that is left for projects for the people goes right to their cronies who are contractors. In the end, the people probably get about 20% of the money for any good work that was done by American aid.
When American tax dollars go into these corrupt African led states, the leaders probably skim off at least 40% from the top. Any money that is left for projects for the people goes right to their cronies who are contractors. In the end, the people probably get about 20% of the money for any good work that was done by American aid.
I don’t imagine the funds are earmarked for corrupt governments.

You might want to familiarize yourself with the vast diversity of the African continent.
the same place the rest of the federal budget comes from
Yeah, borrowing and printing. Do you realize what this massive debt is doing to future generations? Right now, it costs us almost 1 trillion dollars on our national debt and that is all wasted money going to places like China and bankers in other parts of the world.
Why do you ask?

More government spending adds to inflation and by printing and borrowing, the money we now have is worth less than before. I am concerned for ourselves and future generations, why aren't you?
I don’t imagine the funds are earmarked for corrupt governments.
We have done that time and time again.

You might want to familiarize yourself with the vast diversity of the African continent.
Soth Africa which is the biggest and most prosperous nation on the continent is highly corrupt. The last President was removed from his post because of all his monetary malfeasance while he was in office.
When American tax dollars go into these corrupt African led states, the leaders probably skim off at least 40% from the top. Any money that is left for projects for the people goes right to their cronies who are contractors. In the end, the people probably get about 20% of the money for any good work that was done by American aid.
I Agree, that's about my belief also, 20% is a gracious number, while corrupt politicians fill their bank accounts, Same applies to Ukraine and Israel handouts
Yeah, borrowing and printing. Do you realize what this massive debt is doing to future generations? Right now, it costs us almost 1 trillion dollars on our national debt and that is all wasted money going to places like China and bankers in other parts of the world.

More government spending adds to inflation and by printing and borrowing, the money we now have is worth less than before. I am concerned for ourselves and future generations, why aren't you?
A future wheel barrow of American $100 bills to by a loaf of bread, just like Venezuela 4 years ago?

It appears that the world is heading back to the good old days of precious metals in backing currency, gold, silver, platinum?

The Ole federal reserve note will soon be a thing of the past, Gold & Silver has went up 25% in the past 6 months, and the trend isnt stopping?
Oh sure, let American's work and pay taxes to support Africa
The same way they work and pay taxes to support tax-free Christian churches?

ps. don't bother answering sincerely. I understand that Putin has his troll farms on a political script here in the US of A.
Oh sure, let American's work and pay taxes to support Africa

Perhaps you need to sell everything you have, live in a tent on a sidewalk, and give your proceeds to the save Africa cause

Waiting for the picture of your new tent home on the sidewalk, and your sign save Africa please donate, Smiles!
Are you familiar with the Parable of the Good Samaritan?

Luke 10:30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

Do you think America should act like the priest and the Levite, and cross to the other side of the metaphorical street? Or like the Samaritan, and have mercy on those less fortunate?