Coptic-Arabic miniatures - two-step 1853 and 1859 theft-extraction from St. Catherine's by Tischendorf - similar to Sinaiticus CFA 1844 and 1859

No, there is no "logical connection", because as Jay says, "neither set can be accounted for as a simple variation on the other."
That is to say, the strains are divergent, sharing a common ancestor, rather than one being derived directly from the other.

The “set” of the Greek OT includes Vatican’s, Alexandrinus, Ephraemi and Venetus, none of which have the sophisticated dialog formatting and rubrications that are a feature of Sinaiticus and the Latin manuscripts.

So you are confusing issues of the text, the vorlage, with the very special issue of formatting and rubrications. I’ll plan on more on this within the next day. Benjamin Harris Cowper was the first to see this problem, in the 1850s.