Dawkins vs Lennox; The God Delusion

The evidence is, as shown throughout civilizations, that laws against murder, rape, and theft are very standard.
Not really. Depends on how far back we go. If they are standard then it is probably because of Theistic influence. Atheistic expect the exact opposite.
God metes out nothing in those situations.
Opinion. There is plenty you do not know.
My starting point is objective reality.
Well you have not backed up any of your claims about objective morals.
Your's is an opinion that something supernatural exists that you cannot prove.
it can be proved to reasonable persons which excludes you.
If God exists, and he might, we know him through natural revelation, and that is a cruel and unjust world that we humans are fixing generation after generation.
You have no basis for cruel and unjust in the first place. Your very model produces the results you claim to despise where the strong dominate the weak as a given.
Correct. That's why we, as humans, regulate it while God stands and watches with folded arms and does NOTHING.
You really do not know and it sounds like your unbelief is based on emotion as opposed to rationality. Irrational appeals to outrage.
I'm not proabort.
You mean you do not approve of a woman's right to abort her offspring?
So did Hitler.
So you equalize God and Hitler whose life was limited. You have serious problems.
I'm sure you have...
Theoretically yes as far as i know.
Then your paradigm is worse than one without Yahweh.

In mine, perps and victims alike are consigned to oblivion; in yours, perps can go to heaven, while victims can go to hell.
Either way people get away under yours also.
Better that than rapists going to heaven and their victims going to hell, no?
You left that out. If they escape human justice and there is no justice for the victims of their crimes.
So? That's why we try to make justice in this life.
Besides, rape is perfectly natural under your model where the strong dominate the weak
That's not my model.
Nobody here is obligated to jump thru your hoops.
Then I take this as licence to make any claim I like, and then refuse to justify it.

Christianity is nonsense.
This is something I want to understand from a scientific perspective. I know what I believe from a theological perspective. From what I understand of Lennox

Now that humans have filled the earth is there any place else for them to distance themselves so that evolution might happen? Do we have to populate other planets for that to take place?
Geographic isolation is pertinent to speciation, but I'm not sure if it is a requirement for speciation. And, things like lactose tolerance can develop even without speciation.
Not really. Depends on how far back we go. If they are standard then it is probably because of Theistic influence. Atheistic expect the exact opposite.
The farther back you go the more supernaturally and superstitiously inclined the masses were towards a creator... and the more brutal and dishonest justice was... especially in the church that was supposedly guided by the providence of God.
Opinion. There is plenty you do not know.
There is also plenty I, and you, do know based on evidence of the world we experience. This natural revelation does not support your beliefs in the least. You have to plug into something extra, something unknown, something purely speculative and supernatural to get the hypothesis you propose. Nothing objective about it at all.
Well you have not backed up any of your claims about objective morals.
Yes I have in the evidence of common human traits for self protection and self promotion, and you have as well when you declared that we have natural instincts towards right and wrong based on that. That's as far as you need to take it, but you speculate further and take those objective facts and wrap them in supernatural and subjective religious opinions, of which there are many in this world from many subjective religious traditions. You merely practice one of them.
it can be proved to reasonable persons which excludes you.
Try it. Se if the arguments hold up. If I'm not convinced, then God is on the hook for almost 3/4s of humanity created with reprobate minds and a message that does not resonate throughout His own creation. Not good either way.
You have no basis for cruel and unjust in the first place.
We both do... and you already admitted it.
Your very model produces the results you claim to despise where the strong dominate the weak as a given.
The model is the same regardless of whether you believe in God or not because natural revelation is what it is. If natural revelation is one of God, then own the disfunction and acknowledge our human efforts to override God's errors and neglect by actually codifying into law the protection of the minority and the weak, which does not exist in God's natural revelation.

You mean you do not approve of a woman's right to abort her offspring?
Correct. I'm not so certain she has that "right" based on objective moral standards that include potential citizens (babies).
So you equalize God and Hitler whose life was limited. You have serious problems.
I equalize them because their model of authority is exactly the same.
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Dawkins made a good point at about 01:16:00 where Lennox was implying that Stalin for eg did the terrible things he did because he was an atheist. Dawkins pointed out that Lennox was an atheist with regard to Thor and Zeus, which is same as Dawkins being an atheist regarding Yahweh, but that Lennox wasn't committing terrible deeds because of his atheism towards Zeus, as Dawkins wasn't.
I'm not sure what that has to do with Stalin and his atheism that guided him to turn churches into museums.

Just from a quick look at the internet on the subject:

From 1932 to 1937 Joseph Stalin declared the 'five-year plans of atheism' and the LMG was charged with completely eliminating all religious expression in the country. Many of these same methods and terror tactics were also imposed against others that the regime considered to be its ideological enemies.

Although Article 124 of the 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union ostensibly guaranteed “[f]reedom of religious worship and freedom of antireligious propaganda,” the reality both before and after 1936 belied the ideas encoded in Soviet law. Militant atheism, or the state-sanctioned assault against religious believers and institutions, including the looting and destruction of houses of worship and executions of priests, characterized Soviet antireligious policy of the 1920s and 1930s under both Lenin and Stalin.

I just watched it again and I don't think he was mocking.
That's because his sarcasm is so dry
I take it you don't sanction slavery, which the Bible does. I take it you don't think apostates whether from Christianity or Islam should be killed, which the Quran does. If I'm right about this, which I'm sure I am, then on these matters alone you have a moral standard independent of the Bible.
I don't believe that God is for slavery. I can only speak to the teachings of Christ found in the Bible by him and his disciples.
I really don't think zeitgeist is a supernatural phenomenon. I think it refers to the prevailing attitudes of the time.
That is likely true. Tell that to Dawkins. He calls it a "force". My thoughts are that he was getting past his prime when it came to debating.
I broadly agree that in our evolutionary past living in small kin groups would encourage cooperation and good behaviour as it would be beneficial for survival. I can see that empathy can bring about good behaviour, and empathy seems a part of our nature.
It is still just conjecture. How would he prove it since he wasn't there? You should hold the same standards you use for Atheists that you use for Christians.

But I think something else is going on as well regarding morality. Good and evil, right and wrong are abstract concepts that will occur to creatures such as ourselves capable of abstract reasoning. It's really not hard to realise that something is unfair, therefore wrong. It's not hard to realise that causing others pain and suffering is wrong because of what pain and suffering is, and we know we wouldn't want it for ourselves.
The hard part is realizing that a mindless, amoral process can bring about such creatures.
See above for foundations for a secular concept of being good.
You have to be more specific. I'm don't know what you are talking about.
And in the context of what Dawkins is talking about, the universe itself, that is exactly what we see.
Lennox seems to miss something here, Dawkins was talking about the universe we find ourselves in, he is not talking about us as self conscious creatures who because of our intellect can understand the concepts of right and wrong. With practice and education, our minds can rise above just dancing to our DNA.
Lennox isn't missing a thing, imo.

This is the conclusion Lennox came to after reading Dawkins "...The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, and no good, nothing but pitiless indifference. DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.”
And he further concluded "if good and evil don’t exist, there is no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference, how can it possibly make sense to talk of the evils of religion or of the good of atheism? Now I know that you suggest elsewhere that we have to rebel against our genes, but that creates to my mind an immense problem with what you say because if we are nothing but our genes dancing to the tune of our DNA, what part of us can rebel against them?

So I want to suggest this, that far from atheism delivering an adequate explanation for morality it dissolves it, and it’s a problem that’s been around for centuries. How can something mindless and impersonal like the universe impose a sense of morality upon us? And David Hume, a philosopher whom you quote, pointed this out very clearly. He said: “You just cannot get an ought from an is. You cannot derive morality and ethics from matter and energy. You can not go from facts to values.”

If Lennox's conclusions are true, then Dawkin's description of the world is not true. Something is missing and that something is God.
Of course there is no basis for morality in the universe itself, but there is a basis for morality in our minds that are capable of understanding the concepts of fairness, right and wrong.
How are our minds capable of knowing good from evil, right from wrong if the mindless process that made us has no concept of these things?
Where do those concepts come from?
Cat's are not morally accountable for cruelly playing with their prey before they kill it, because they aren't capable of understanding the consequences of their actions. We are morally accountable creatures because we are capable of understanding the consequences of our actions.
I agree. Children are the same as cats when it comes to morality when they are first born.
This isn't a bias, it's just how science works. Creationists in particular like to complain that their "papers" are rejected by peer review journals. What they fail to realize is that science requires actual work and evidence. A "paper" filled with bible verses and arguments like "dogs don't give birth to monkeys" isn't going to pass peer review because there's simply nothing to review. That doesn't stop Christians from feeling entitled to academic respect though. Dunning Kruger and all that.
The larger question is: WHY would a Christian give a Rosy Rodent's Posterior about gaining "Academic respect" when it means nothing to God, and is totally unimportant in terms of preaching the Word of God, and leading people to being Born Again of the Holy Spirit.

Conviction of SIN will simply "blow away" all of man's arguments, like so much useless fluff.
I'm unsure of your point here, I don't know what you're trying to say.

Stalin wasn't an otherwise good man driven to do evil because of atheism, he was an evil man to start off with.
The things he did against Christians, he did in the name of atheism. He was an evil atheist and he had power.
The foundations of morality are not removed. Humans are the foundation of morality.
Human morality is subjective. It cannot consider absolute when it comes to morals. A moral foundation is something that does not change over time.
Do you want to be raped? Do you want to be killed? No. So you extend the courtesy, of not doing those things, to your fellow humans in order to foster a cohesive society and foster survival.
Why not just say, do unto others as you would have them do to you?
“If God does not exist, everything is permissible” Even if God does exist, everything is permissible. The only thing stopping "everything", is other people. I have yet to see God intervene to stop evil.
God allows us to make evil choices or good choices. Eventually we will all reap what we sow, in this life and in the next.
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@Whatsisface, I'm going to move on to the last thesis and their concluding statements, hopefully, by this Friday at the latest.

Sixth thesis: “Christian claims about the person of Jesus are not true.”​

The strong dominate the weak. Abortion, rape, child abuse all optional.
Abortion, rape, child abuse have always been optional. They are happening now in large numbers in societies that claim to be Christian.
What's your point?

It does not matter if such behaviors are legal and the strong dominate the weak like abortion or slavery which is being imported from our southern borders.
Slavery is being imported from your southern borders? What is that supposed to mean?

Survival may include wiping out or otherwise enslaving oppositional. There is plenty of profit in the slave trade for the strong.
Again, what is your point? All of these things are recorded in the Bible happening under those supposedly carrying out the will of your God.
There are many ways to enslave people. Our modern society is build on Wage Slavery is that moral?
Right. That is a given
No it is a claim made by the religiously indocrinated.

Mostly demonstrated in Godless societies, historically and at present.
Demonstrated equally in all societies.

Probably would not see it. It has happened in the past according to the Old Testament. People opt to cry out to God in times of trouble. You guys are short sighted. Life goes by fast.
According to the Old Testament. That was a long time ago. What has God been doing lately?
You see what you want to see. I thought you were claiming "Detached analysis".
Human morality is subjective. It cannot consider absolute when it comes to morals. A moral foundation is something that does not change over time.
So we should go back to slavery and stoning disrespectful children? Seems some things have changed.
What are the moral absolutes Human morality cannot consider?
Some parts of Human morality are subjective. It's core though has not changed. People don't enjoy being killed or raped or having their stuff taken.

Why not just say, do unto others as you would have them do to you?
We can and do say that. That is the distillation of human morality. Be careful though, it's a bit subjective.

God allows us to make evil choices or good choices. Eventually we will all reap what we sow, in this life and in the next.
Which results in a world which looks exactly as we would expect if there were no God at all.
If you don't get called to account by other people in this life then you get away with it. Any afterlife reckoning is just wishful thinking.
What is it about atheism that entails evil?
It's just like Christianity, if men have power they do evil things in the name of their beliefs or nonbeliefs.
Christianity most certainly doesn't entail evil and neither does atheism. But each can have fanatics who use either christianity or atheism to do evil.